i told y'all i was going to get a PS3


it worked out pretty good. only had to wait in line 30mins. heres the story... last friday, 11/17 all the best buys and walmarts had lines already from 2 or 3 days prior. well, i had to pick up my uncle from the airport that friday night at 10pm so i thought i was just screwed. well i picked him up and when we go back to town, i talked him into going to a few places to see what the lines were looking like. well, we pull into walmart and there's about 11 people in line at 11:30. it seemed small so i figured we'd go talk to em and see whats happening. so i talked to one of the guys and he explains to me how the lady manager from walmart is going to come out at midnight and the first 2 in line will get a 60 gig and that she'll only have 8 more certifcates which will be filled out and she'll call those next 8 in line later when more 60 gig versions arrive. the reason more people werent in line is because they were told this story and decided since the 10 people are already there, they are just wasting their time. its only 10 more mins to go so my uncle and i stay and wait to see what happens. so at midnight the lady comes out and sends to first 2 in to purchase theirs and gives the next 8 certificates and tells them it could be between 2 and 6 weeks for them to show up. long story short, there were 3 extra people who didnt get certificates. my uncle and i and some other guy. anyway my uncle starts talking to here and gets her to write our numbers down and call us when some more come in. she says it will be a while for any 60's come in but she might get some 20 gigs in if we want them. we're like, hells ya, we dont care, just call. well, its 4 days later and we get the call. pretty luck of us i say.

am i gonna ebay you ask?

Hells f'in ya.....what do you think im gonna do with it??? play it?

(Devil Dog @ Nov. 22 2006,00:50) You are gonna mail it to Devil Dog......

Jedi mind trick....Is it working?
i am going to mail it to Devil Dog........

(scratching my head) huh, what the hell am i talking about.....concentrate.....ebay,ebay,ebay...not devil dog

nice try DD....you need to go find yoda and train some more.....

Im one of the jerks that ebayed his!!!

But made $2100!!!


Means more Busa parts!!!
(GIXERHP @ Nov. 22 2006,04:21) Im one of the jerks that ebayed his!!!  

But made $2100!!!  


Means more Busa parts!!!
HOLY SHITZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd do the same thing as you GIXERHP...

MORE PARTS FOR THE BUSA.....then possibly buy the PS3 after they go down a little....

THE BUSA IS THE PRIORITY!!! gotta have those priorities right!!!!

way to go guys...i think i am going to be sitting in line next time one of these come out...easiest money i have seen that can be made legally
(Devil Dog @ Nov. 22 2006,06:54)
(GIXERHP @ Nov. 22 2006,02:21) Im one of the jerks that ebayed his!!!  

But made $2100!!!  


Means more Busa parts!!!
You're kidding right?
Nope! I trying to decide what to buy next!
I picked me one up last week. I just walked into Best Buy and a guys was coming out with one.

I asked and they had a few left....