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I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

2nd Amendment under attack??
Anyone remember Sandy Hook? 1 shooter, 20+ dead children?
I don't believe gun laws budged even an inch after that, did they?
Which explains why I'm bit jaded in re: current protests. That, and I happened to be living in LA during the Rodney King thing.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
No, I don't believe karma exists, unfortunately. A lot of people deserve it and don't get it.

This is the first I have heard of Mr Floyd's record. I checked it and it was printed in the NY Times yesterday. I will assume it is true.

I also only heard today that Mr Floyd's autopsy revealed the recent use of meth and fentanyl.

From the start, I wondered if he was under the influence of something since he appears to fall twice and the officers did claim they suspected a medical issue. I brushed that aside because obviously the presence of drugs would have been the first thing the coroner checked in an expeditious manner. ....I mean, there were riots going on, wouldn't you think they'd want to give all the info they could? Guess not. My feelings about the whole situation are changing.

To say it flat out, a cop who thinks any person is on some kind of drug does not want risk allowing that person to do things under the influence of that drug. Some drugs can produce superhuman strength, resistance to pain and injury, crank up the aggression and shut down inhibitions. Tasers don't work on these people. Floyd was already a very large individual. Maybe it wasn't entirely unreasonable to have three guys sit on him. I'm not sure the kneeling on the neck was a good idea but if you really felt the person was a danger IDK--maybe. Especially if you ran a check on the guy and discovered he had a prison record for home invasion with the use of a deadly weapon.

I think whole f---ing thing has turned onto a vile joke. It's disgraceful to to everyone. George Floyd and his memory, the protestors and the police, our cities. Everyone is a victim, there will be no victory involved in any of this, just a big loss.
So let me get this right. The same arse hole who didnt know Floyd was choking under his knee somehow sensed he was on drugs? Why would you type such stupid rubbish? Lol! Keep trying.
Do you believe in Karma?

noun: karma
  1. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
      destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
The reason I ask is I'm wondering if the woman who had a gun held to her stomach by George Floyd when he did that home invasion, if she was able to breathe OK? I wonder if her breathing was at all...labored or anything. She may have been a bit upset at the site of the 6 foot 6 inch man with a gun held to her in her home,her safe place...her sanctuary. George...according to court documents was just looking for money and drugs.Meh. Arrested,tried,convicted...5 years in prison. (long criminal record,but no reason he had to die)
I'm also wondering why George just didn't use the local convenience store in his neighborhood to get a pack of cigarettes and why he decided it was a good idea to operate a motor vehicle (instead of walking,taxi,bus,ask a friend,etc) somewhere under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine. Isn't the operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated a bad thing for the innocent people around you?( "The Hennepin County medical examiner's office,found fentanyl intoxication; [and] recent methamphetamine use.")

I'm wondering based on this whole ancient Hindu and Budda belief that could easily loosely translate into the urban slang meaning..."What comes around,goes around." Do you think it plays any part in the sad,unfortunate events of that day.
Now,nobody is perfect by any stretch of the imagination...but the man commited several violent crimes,even against defenceless women. Is this the work of some higher power? Budda? Even God?
George's past, shall we say, "indiscretions" in no way condone the actions of the police that day. That's what all this outrage and protesting is about.To effect change.
As a rambunkshis young man I drove intoxicated...I'm sure many of us have. Then,I had my life turned to krap at the hands of a drunk driver. Perhaps my "Karma." View attachment 1620430

Just extremely curious about this whole Karma thing. Could be complete B.S. right? Your thoughts?
How can I contact Melissa from cycle brakes? Further, can you provide proof concerning your allegations. I would be quite interested.
Thanks in advance
I don't want to get into what happened... BUT why is there so much looting going on and protests mostly filled with idiots who don't know why they are even there.

How can I contact Melissa from cycle brakes? Further, can you provide proof concerning your allegations. I would be quite interested.
Thanks in advance
Don't know melissa.dont know cycle brakes.dont give a fug about proof.
Opportunists... I saw a stat earlier where I think it was a mayor saying all of the people they arrested were from out of state... SMH
Trying to find Melissa from cycle brakes. Any ideas?
Further., nearly 29 years retired Police Chief. I just want to ride. Know what I mean?
Tired of all the foolery and racism. This statement is not meant for you. I am just tired and want to feel the wind on my bald head.
The Mayor was correct. Look me up on Facebook.
Between Floyd and the cop the cop was the one acting like he was on drugs. But of course you didn't consider that?
Funny how emotional your response is towards me. I was just making a comment about your post. You questioned if the cop could sense that the black guy was on drugs
I wasn't implying that the cop didn't do something wrong. I simply asked /suggested that police officers deal on a daily with intoxicated people and therefore can easily spot them.
It has nothing to do with what I consider. Maybe they were both on drugs....but that wasn't the question....calm down big boy!
Trying to find Melissa from cycle brakes. Any ideas?
Further., nearly 29 years retired Police Chief. I just want to ride. Know what I mean?
Tired of all the foolery and racism. This statement is not meant for you. I am just tired and want to feel the wind on my bald head.
The Mayor was correct. Look me up on Facebook.
Thank you for your long service.
2nd Amendment under attack??
Anyone remember Sandy Hook? 1 shooter, 20+ dead children?
I don't believe gun laws budged even an inch after that, did they?
Which explains why I'm bit jaded in re: current protests. That, and I happened to be living in LA during the Rodney King thing.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Didn't they try to ban the AR15 after that? I recall a huge rush of people buying up all the AR15s before they got banned.
They showed one guy on the news who had bought something like 14 of them or something crazy like that...
Didn't they try to ban the AR15 after that? I recall a huge rush of people buying up all the AR15s before they got banned.
They showed one guy on the news who had bought something like 14 of them or something crazy like that...
There was some movement in that direction: NY, CT and MD all enabled new restrictions to existing state gun laws. But nationally, both the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 and the Manchin-Toomey Amendment to expand background checks on gun purchases were defeated in the Senate in '13.
I don't mean to say a small person can't be dangerous but asuming both are equally committed, in close quarters where the big guy can get ahold of the small guy, the small guy is going to lose and lose bad. It's relatively easy and more effective to grapple compared to picking away at a monster opponent. An arrest is not supposed to be a fight anyway. Cops probably are far less committed to overpowering a combative suspect than that suspect is to escaping. That's understandable.
Let's be honest, cops rarely get into physical altercations one on one. They typically call for back up if they feel threatened, and rightfully so. There were multiple officers present, why on earth wouldn't they help restrain Floyd without kneeling on his neck?

Agree with all you said there and yes I'm a teacher. My environment is a lot less hazardous than a police officer's though (I hope). There are situations where I have bent those rules. I did put a restraining hold on a kid once and it ended up that was the best thing to do because that kid was huge and went right after the other one when the security guard told me to release. I have physically intervened in fights many times. Fortunately for me, I never harmed anyone or got complaints over those situations. What was I to do though? I stopped violence using force. It's against school policy but I believe most other male teachers did the same. It was a rough school.
You understand that not following policy can get you fired at the least, if not sued and/or criminally prosecuted, right? If you choose to use force to stop violence, I hope you're fully prepared to deal with the possible consequences.
I want to agree with you but after finding out what I previously had not known, I think I better see it before I say it can't be explained or justified. As I already said a couple times, a person getting choked loosing consciousness should be a clear sign you better stop choking him. I can't explain why the cop didn't do that. I think it's best to wait even on that one before passing final judgement.
What could justify what Chauvin did?
Because that would make it more difficult to select an impartial jury in this already high profile case. The lawyers are witholding it. Our judicial system is a part of civil rights too.

I wouldn't like it but I'd have to see all the evidence before deciding if it was called for or if it was pure brutality.

I said the only reason I can think of that they would kneel on his neck was if they considered him to be a bite hazard. I can't think of any other reason. A bite mask was mentioned. Can you imagine putting one on someone who wants to bite you?

I don't mean to say a small person can't be dangerous but asuming both are equally committed, in close quarters where the big guy can get ahold of the small guy, the small guy is going to lose and lose bad. It's relatively easy and more effective to grapple compared to picking away at a monster opponent. An arrest is not supposed to be a fight anyway. Cops probably are far less committed to overpowering a combative suspect than that suspect is to escaping. That's understandable.

Agree with all you said there and yes I'm a teacher. My environment is a lot less hazardous than a police officer's though (I hope). There are situations where I have bent those rules. I did put a restraining hold on a kid once and it ended up that was the best thing to do because that kid was huge and went right after the other one when the security guard told me to release. I have physically intervened in fights many times. Fortunately for me, I never harmed anyone or got complaints over those situations. What was I to do though? I stopped violence using force. It's against school policy but I believe most other male teachers did the same. It was a rough school.

I want to agree with you but after finding out what I previously had not known, I think I better see it before I say it can't be explained or justified. As I already said a couple times, a person getting choked loosing consciousness should be a clear sign you better stop choking him. I can't explain why the cop didn't do that. I think it's best to wait even on that one before passing final judgement.

IDK. I see tweets from other public officials though if I end up on Twitter for some reason.

Trump's candid comments are often boorish. That is unfortunate. What's more unfortunate is that Joe Biden is no better in this regard. Why do we keep ending up with candidates nobody wants to elect?
So let me get this right. The same arse hole who didnt know Floyd was choking under his knee somehow sensed he was on drugs? Why would you type such stupid rubbish? Lol! Keep trying.

How does any cop determine a person might be on drugs? They look at their behavior. It seems reasonable that the cops might have suspected Floyd was on drugs when they arrested him because Floyd was in fact on drugs. If Floyd did something that presented a significant threat such as kicking biting or head butting, that would explain why he was restrained in such a manner. This explanation may not turn out to be accurate but it is logical. Cops sitting on a guy until he is dead while people film it is not logical. If that is what you believe happened I do not think your idea is stupid rubbish even if it defies logic. Your theory might be exactly correct. Nobody knows yet. We haven't seen all the video, we haven't heard any testimony. Please don't get pissed at me for trying to understand this.
Let's be honest, cops rarely get into physical altercations one on one. They typically call for back up if they feel threatened, and rightfully so. There were multiple officers present, why on earth wouldn't they help restrain Floyd without kneeling on his neck?
May have been that that is the way to best discourage a very powerful individual from rolling or otherwise getting free of three smaller men sitting on him. Maybe they had done it numerous times before without killing anyone. Maybe they thought Floyd was faking being unconscious. Maybe the cop just freaked and didn't want to accept blame for what he did. I don't know any more than you do. We have to get all the facts.

You understand that not following policy can get you fired at the least, if not sued and/or criminally prosecuted, right? If you choose to use force to stop violence, I hope you're fully prepared to deal with the possible consequences.
That's why I got the f out of that madhouse after two years. The school shut down a year or so later. Still force used by an adult to protect students from doing grave bodily harm to one another is not the same as using force to subdue them and detain them. I think the kids know that. I would still break up a fight if I saw one break out and you know as well as I do yelling at them doesn't do a lot of good. I think it's the right thing to do. I'm not going to watch two kids beat on each other if I can stop it.

What could justify what Chauvin did?
I've already mentioned the possible reasons why it might have been done. If there's justification for it, I don't see it at this moment. I've already jumped to some conclusions on this and I'm trying not to do that anymore.
Trying to find Melissa from cycle brakes. Any ideas?
Further., nearly 29 years retired Police Chief. I just want to ride. Know what I mean?
Tired of all the foolery and racism. This statement is not meant for you. I am just tired and want to feel the wind on my bald head.
The Mayor was correct. Look me up on Facebook.

From Columbus?
I just saw the new video that is supposed to be Floyd put inside the cop car. All you can see is that there is a cop on the outside of the open car door. He's about to shut the door when the vehicle shakes and the cop bolts around to the opposite passenger door which is also open. It looks like two other cops are on the opposite side and whatever it is that happened seemed to be mitigated by them. An escape attempt, maybe. The first cop calmly walks back around to the pasenger door where he started. We still don't know what else might have happened before Floyd was restrained on the ground.
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