I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

So you think racism didn't exist before 2008 then?
Duh, of course it did. I'm talking about the escalation of the resist movement, protesting, hatred and killing of police, defunding police, radical groups, fake state news, resisting anything Trump does. It is called the resist movement. Obama played/plays a big part. So do the elites. People get mad a CEO of a big company that makes 5 Million a year but are ok with movie star and other artist that make 20 million a movie. That is as long as they agree with them.

That is why the do nothing dems haven't done anything in 3+ years but investigate and try to impeach Trump.
Racism goes both ways too like the two posts I posted earlier today. Do you @Mr Brown think those were racists? What about you @WuzzaCBXRider ?
In re: “Wait until the Durham report comes out.“

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard someone spout this out along with it’s ’all Obama’s fault’. When the hell will we all be blessed with the report?
I don't think you will feel blessed. Look how long the Muller report took. This wont take that long. They already know Obama knew about the fake dossier that started the Muller investigation.
Unless there's something that's missing, I can't see how that cop would be convicted of any wrongdoing. He chased a violent escaped felon and when the that felon turned the cop's own weapon on him the cop killed him. I would have done exactly the same thing and it would be a clear case of self defense.

He wasn't an imminent threat, he actually attacked the officer with a taser. Twice.

I called it...that cop is toast.....
@Yellow09 I'm shocked. I would like to see people protest the charges but I have this weird feeling that mighht be exactly what someone wants to have happen, violent protests met with violent counter-protests. I'm starting to see some videos of that and I think it will just make things more difficult for police. The latest statue down-pulling deomonstration included a shooting by a guy who was hit on the head with a skateboard, and persued by at least 4 people as he backed away. He pepper sprayed them and ended up shooting after he was knocked down and hit with the skateboard a second time. He was charged with aggravated assault. Self defense is now illegal. Fortunately for him, the guy didn't die or the charge would be murder. The cops were camping out on the other side of the building and they didn't respond until after the shots were fired. I don't blame them. The police are not being supported and they're going to do all they can to stay out of trouble. If this goes on another month, the cops will be running away. There, I called that one.
You're all wasting your time and breath. This country, nor this world is ever going to get better until proper morals, parenting, and education are put in place and solidified. With the rise of social media and lack of decency anymore, we can kiss all this poop goodbye. Do any of you educated fools think people are going to "wake" and realize this? Sorry to say, but this is most likely the plan from the top eschilon of the world, not just our country, and definitely not just the white people of our country. Get ready for a long shitty ride down. Things are going to change for sure, but not for the better. Good luck fellas. ✌
Duh, of course it did. I'm talking about the escalation of the resist movement, protesting, hatred and killing of police, defunding police, radical groups, fake state news, resisting anything Trump does. It is called the resist movement. Obama played/plays a big part. So do the elites. People get mad a CEO of a big company that makes 5 Million a year but are ok with movie star and other artist that make 20 million a movie. That is as long as they agree with them.

That is why the do nothing dems haven't done anything in 3+ years but investigate and try to impeach Trump.
Racism goes both ways too like the two posts I posted earlier today. Do you @Mr Brown think those were racists? What about you @WuzzaCBXRider ?
I completely disagree with the first part of your post. Obama went out of his way to not be racial, he increased police funding, deported more people than Bush, and the suggestion that anyone is responsible for misinformation on the same scale as the current president is laughable.

I didn't watch what you posted, but people of any race are capable of being racist on an individual level. Individual racism is not the same as institutional racism, and the two should not be confused.
According to the prosecutor, the cop fired 3 shots. 2 hit the suspect and 1 hit a car waiting in line at Wendy's. So this guy put civilians life on the line for a guy who was drunk. The guy who shot him kicked him while he was on the ground, still alive after the shots. Then the other one stood on him. When he was shot he was 13+ feet away from the cop who shot him and clearly not a threat. Finally, the guy fired the taser 2 times, meaning it could not be fired again so the cops knew it was no longer a weapon.

The other cop is apparently testifying against the other one who fired the shots. Not looking good for this cop. Prosecutor hit him with like 11 charges with one carrying a life in prison or death. That dude is looking at an uphill battle to get off on this one.
You're all wasting your time and breath. This country, nor this world is ever going to get better until proper morals, parenting, and education are put in place and solidified. With the rise of social media and lack of decency anymore, we can kiss all this poop goodbye. Do any of you educated fools think people are going to "wake" and realize this? Sorry to say, but this is most likely the plan from the top eschilon of the world, not just our country, and definitely not just the white people of our country. Get ready for a long shitty ride down. Things are going to change for sure, but not for the better. Good luck fellas. ✌
Awe don't be so "Doom & Gloom." It's not all that bad,and even if it was,it wouldn't be anyone's fault.:D Everything can be easily be explained away by peoples opinions and points of view.Pick a side,get into the debate. Church killings,beatings,fires,destruction,looting,you name it...
It's all ok in someones mind. :laugh:
Anarchy Rules :super: I love all this stuff,it's good TV.
Now get out there,kick the shi7 outa someone,maybe score some free stuff from a store,burn something down. I'll make you feel better. It's common place now. It's all good.
You realize other countries have far fewer armed police and much lower rates of crime as a whole, violent crime specifically, and incarceration, right? I'm not suggesting we don't need police, or that we don't need armed police, but clearly what we are doing isn't working. This country leads the world in both incarceration and recidivism. We need to do something different.
A lot of other countries don’t allow civilians to carry firearms though.
In the US,as it is right now,how would it work if the 2nd amendment didn’t change(and I’m not suggesting it should/nt) but the police got disarmed?
Right, he wasn’t an imminent threat.
A lot of other countries don’t allow civilians to carry firearms though.
In the US,as it is right now,how would it work if the 2nd amendment didn’t change(and I’m not suggesting it should/nt) but the police got disarmed?

The police will never be disarmed in this country and neither will the populace.
The US has over 330,000.000 people, and about the same number of guns so never.
120.5 firearms per 100 residents. (2018)

With all of the curfuffle going on these days a would put that ratio higher.
@Yellow09 I'm shocked. I would like to see people protest the charges but I have this weird feeling that mighht be exactly what someone wants to have happen, violent protests met with violent counter-protests. I'm starting to see some videos of that and I think it will just make things more difficult for police. The latest statue down-pulling deomonstration included a shooting by a guy who was hit on the head with a skateboard, and persued by at least 4 people as he backed away. He pepper sprayed them and ended up shooting after he was knocked down and hit with the skateboard a second time. He was charged with aggravated assault. Self defense is now illegal. Fortunately for him, the guy didn't die or the charge would be murder. The cops were camping out on the other side of the building and they didn't respond until after the shots were fired. I don't blame them. The police are not being supported and they're going to do all they can to stay out of trouble. If this goes on another month, the cops will be running away. There, I called that one.

If this all escalates the way it is predicted to do, I sure don't know what the outcome will be.....unity has been built on violence sometimes but so has division. I've been to different counties which both have been prevalent....anarchy and civil disobedience were the rule of the day. Strangely enough, my memories coincide with the pictures and write ups I see within the US these days.

Many police officers within the US have resigned from their jobs, this could lead to a shortage of law enforcement which would allow the lawless to flourish (perhaps). Good policing is the only thing that keeps the lawless at bay, take away their ability to do this and life will drastically change for all citizens-the wild, wild west was not a pleasant place for most people.

There has been a long standing joke regarding many US police as to how quickly they resort to their firearms-maybe, just maybe, this might change. With the abundant availability of firearms and willingness of the general population to use them, I can understand why the police are "gun shy."
If this all escalates the way it is predicted to do, I sure don't know what the outcome will be.....unity has been built on violence sometimes but so has division. I've been to different counties which both have been prevalent....anarchy and civil disobedience were the rule of the day. Strangely enough, my memories coincide with the pictures and write ups I see within the US these days.

Many police officers within the US have resigned from their jobs, this could lead to a shortage of law enforcement which would allow the lawless to flourish (perhaps). Good policing is the only thing that keeps the lawless at bay, take away their ability to do this and life will drastically change for all citizens-the wild, wild west was not a pleasant place for most people.

There has been a long standing joke regarding many US police as to how quickly they resort to their firearms-maybe, just maybe, this might change. With the abundant availability of firearms and willingness of the general population to use them, I can understand why the police are "gun shy."
It's not as dire or as violent as you've been led to believe. The vast majority of cops in this country don't ever discharge their weapon in the line of duty. If cops are quitting because they are being more heavily scrutinized than good. We don't need fewer police officers, but we certainly need fewer sh!tty ones. It should be harder to become one, they should be less militarized, and they should be subject to more oversight. Yes, they sometimes have to make split second decisions which carry the most serious of consequences, and because of that they need better training.
It's not as dire or as violent as you've been led to believe. The vast majority of cops in this country don't ever discharge their weapon in the line of duty. If cops are quitting because they are being more heavily scrutinized than good. We don't need fewer police officers, but we certainly need fewer sh!tty ones. It should be harder to become one, they should be less militarized, and they should be subject to more oversight. Yes, they sometimes have to make split second decisions which carry the most serious of consequences, and because of that they need better training.
Amen to that...more training on how to police a community is key. Like all other professions, the cream of the crop are getting harder and harder to find.

All we get to see here is what the media allows us and I agree they are really working the broadcasts...it looks like Mogadishu in many of them.
When we look at policing in this country, we should not take current practices as "normal". Currently many police departments are purposed with filling for profit jails with "probably Democratic" voters (that means black & brown people). Real change will be signaled with abolishing private profiteering on the incarceration of non-violent citizens. Next is to stop the militarization of police forces. The trend during the early 21st century was to move military capabilities over to the police for aggressive crowd control. This is a big slice of many police budgets. It's interesting that violent crime has been declining fairly dramatically for nearly 30 years, so it's difficult to justify these spending priorities by police.

Currently, police generally have a perspective of looking at the population like a herd, and they are trappers and hunters. Hence the steady flow of sociopathic videos of police killings. Many departments have lost the protect and serve mentality. This is propelled by a union that controls the police no matter what mayors and chiefs demand. Dissolving the police sounds radical but it's isn't new and it has worked very well, if mainly on smaller scales. Police even like it better because they are personally safer and have become positive motivators in their communities. Here is an example:

I remember the "Good Ol' Day's" when all anybody bought to a rumble was a baseball bat or pipe,club, chain or knife. :laugh:
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I think about this a lot Rubb. I have several friends I have known for 40+ years who I used to fight in school. If we had guns one of us would be dead and the other in jail rather than enjoying some good BBQ and laughing at those fights we had.
When we look at policing in this country, we should not take current practices as "normal". Currently many police departments are purposed with filling for profit jails with "probably Democratic" voters (that means black & brown people). Real change will be signaled with abolishing private profiteering on the incarceration of non-violent citizens. Next is to stop the militarization of police forces. The trend during the early 21st century was to move military capabilities over to the police for aggressive crowd control. This is a big slice of many police budgets. It's interesting that violent crime has been declining fairly dramatically for nearly 30 years, so it's difficult to justify these spending priorities by police.

Currently, police generally have a perspective of looking at the population like a herd, and they are trappers and hunters. Hence the steady flow of sociopathic videos of police killings. Many departments have lost the protect and serve mentality. This is propelled by a union that controls the police no matter what mayors and chiefs demand. Dissolving the police sounds radical but it's isn't new and it has worked very well, if mainly on smaller scales. Police even like it better because they are personally safer and have become positive motivators in their communities. Here is an example:

You probably won't believe me but this is about the most agreeable points we have in this topic. Camden NJ went back to the way things worked years ago. Put the cops in the community. The same cops in the same community. By and large people want to be good. Citizens want to be good. Cops want to be good. It's hard for a cop to be good, when they can't act on bad. And yes defunding the police allows for the chief/mayors etc to find a way around the powerful unions that keep the same bad cops on the street. Next we need to tackle the system that allows life long criminals to bounce in and out of jail right back into the community the cops are trying to protect.