I ate it today...


SoCal Busa
Donating Member
I ended up low siding on The Busa, man that sucked. I was taking the turn roughly at 30-35  & before I knew it the rear tire just went out from underneath me. All I saw was the BUsa doing the Slip & Slide. OH well, I think CharlesBusa is going to post up some pics later on today or tomorrow.

Link to pics

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I'm cool, the bike itself is not that bad, just the side fairing and the front cowl that are pretty much gone. It could have been alot worse so thank The Lord
Been there done that. I bet you where more pissed about the bike going down than any injures you had at the time.
glad you're alright. bikes are easier to fix than flesh....

what did you slide on? were the roads sandy?
Sorry to hear it. Did you hit sand, gravel or oil? Bald tires? What do you think happened?
Sorry to hear it; glad you're O.K. When you get that fairinng replaced, check into some sliders at the same time.
What a major bummer! Very good to hear you were able to walk away to ride another day...
Glad you're ok.
Same thing happened to my brother last week on his Bandit 1200s... Making a left turn he leaned a little bit too much, there was a bit of oil on the road, and ssswwwhoooooosshh....

He was fine though. Just bruised his knuckes a little bit (they're already healed), and scratched his helmet. He was wearing jeans, and they got ripped a little bit, but nothing happened to his leg.
Anyways, I'm glad you're ok. Hope you get your bike fixed soon
Very sorry tohear of you and your bike
hope both get well soon. What turn did you go down on? Was Kent there today?
Not good.... for us up North and people that ride on cold roads and tires we have to remember.... cold tires and cold roads = dumping it when you push it.... My thought for the up coming spring... not that this was the cause of you going down..
I hate to read about another crash, but I'm so glad that you were able to post it yourself.
Man oh man,  Good to meet you Today Busahaya.  Short but sweet unfortunately.  The man was cool as a cucumber,  when I returned to the scene of the slide.  He was just standing around on the side of the road after picking his bike up from the ditch.  At first I wondered what he was doing just standing around.  I thought, man, what a bad time to take a break!  I saw the damaged bike upon further review.  Hope the leg is o.k. bud!  B A busa, charlesbusa and I had a hell of a ride without you though!   Those boys can definitely get up and down the canyons!