How and where do you dispose your...


Donating Member

I changed the oil and cleaned the chain w/ kerosene. How and where do I dispose the used oil and kerosene?

they dont charge.
i use a oil change container it has a serew on lid and drain plug. it came from miejers or a walmart. a paint can in the car? don`t hit the brakes to hard youll make a mess.
I just dump mine in the Charles River.....
At the auto parts place, you will dump it into a large
"bin".. so you get to keep the container you brought it in.

Don't mix the kerosene with it..I don't know what to do with that.

Thank you for recycling
Thanks everyone...looks like I need to get a resealable tin container of some sorts for the old oil.

Anyone know how to safely dispose of old kerosene used to clean the chain (about 10 0z.) w/out burning it?
Find an Ant hill that is causing you problems, apply liberally. Step back, light a match.
Find an Ant hill that is causing you problems, apply liberally.  Step back, light a match.
Well hot damn Rev, now there's an idea. I'm in rural Tampa (conservation lot) and having lived here yourself you know the fireants can throw up a 1 foot mound overnight.

I have a few just beyond the outskirts of my backyard that could use a little FARR! Guess they call em' fireants for a reason.

Got any clues on how to handle the armadillos tearing up my landscaping?
Any parts store, like they said. Don't do what I saw a woman doing down the block. She dumped 5 quarts of oil in a storm drain. So now, everyone will get a taste.
I have an under ground incinerator, ok it is an old storm celler, but I still burn my trash in there. I just pour the old stuff in a milk jug and throw it down there when I burn the trash.

Do I hear Banjos playin???

Swear I do, anyone else here that?
