Helibars Installation Note!

I've only gotten in a ride to work and back on them. :( It's a subtle change, certainly not day-and-night, but my initial sense of them is positive. The stock bars already look a bit odd next to the Heli bars. The Heli bars are powder-coated black -- very spiffy looking.

At the same time, I'm can certainly tell that I'm more up in the wind -- I never felt that the fairing was doing all that much (at least at legal speeds), but I can really feel the difference between the stock bars and the Heli bars.

I'll report again after I get a good long ride in.

-- Falconer
I just got off the phone with the factory folks in Maine.

It seems that those of us lucky enough to live in California need to be aware of a revision to the installation instructions. The installation instruction sheet should have _seven_ steps, not six.

The additional step:

The fast idle cable (this is apparently a California-only requirement, though the rest of you guys and gals can play along if you like) must be re-routed to the left side of the steering head. It'll reach without this change, but when you turn hard left the fast idle will turn itself off.

WARNING, as part of this process you'll have to loosen the screw which retains the clamp on the right side of the frame which holds down the fast idle cable and the throttle cables. Do NOT get too agressive tightening this little screw back down (as I did!) and strip it.
Falconer, I'm the guy who originally ran into the problem and notified Harry Eddy, the owner of Heli.When he called me on the phone, he was surprised, not having heard of it before. I e-mailed him the solution, so he could pass it on.
My evaluation is that they make a subtle but useful difference in comfort on long rides. They are 1 1/2" higher, 1/2" wider and 1/2" rearset. Not enough to turn the bike into a cruiser, by a long ways. The biggest improvement I've noticed is when I get caught in a traffic jam or am forced to ride really slowly. No air pressure to prop me up, and after a while I hated the stockers.
Finish is first rate, and installation was 20 minutes.
They work great with my new Zero Gravity screen (sport touring). The old screen was useless. The ZG works better and looks much, much better.
Has anyone been able to compare genmars to the heli-bar system...I`ve still got genmars on one busa and need another set...wondering which to go with and been waiting for someone to voice thier opinions.
Genmars raise the bars up about 3/4". They act like a spacer, whereas the Helis are new bars that are offset higher, wider and more rearset. Not much difference in installation time. If you want a very small increase in height, go with the Genmar; they are cheaper also. I wanted more, so I went with the Helis. My post above has the specs.
The helibars sound interesting (I'll have to wait for my bike to decide). How much are they?
Hey CBX: how many bikes do you have? every time I see a comment you mention a different one. No valkyrie?
By the way, Falconer, the problem wasn't turning the fast idle off. Full left lock on the bars gave a major increase in throttle opening. I caught it before starting my engine and the fix was a 5 minute affair as you described. Anyone who went on the street without catching it could have been for a major surprise.
I have the sport touring sheild and I really like it. With the stock shield I couldn't see the top of my gauges or turnsignal lights. After having self-cancelling signals for so long I've gotten out of the habit of turning them off.

SteveC...If you were going to only run one ..genmar or heli-bar which one would it be...which one gives you the best sit up position. I`m wanting to leave the one that has the least rise to it on the bike that I do a lot of engine work on...the other bike will be the one riden the most and naturally I want it as comfortable as possible. I`ve had back surgery and the stock bars are killers for me that`s why I need risers on both bikes. THANKS!
I have to confess that I have both the Genmar riser and the Helibar. I ran into the cable problem but I just assumed it was from using both. I like the set up but then I've been riding a Harley dresser for years. I put on over 1200 miles over the turkey day weekend. I felt the Bussa was every bit as comfortable as the old tuna boat and much faster. The only problem I had running both was that I had to grind a little of my Zero gravity shield where the clutch master cylinder clipped it.

Steve C. very interesting. I wondered if that would work. Incidentally, do you have ZG's Double Bubble or their Sport Touring model? The Sport Touring gives a bit more room, and I think it looks much better. By the way, you don't really have to put the enrichener cable into the clip holder. Just run it between the tank hold-down screws, then down the right side of frame to the throttle body. It will stay securely and has less of a kink.
If I was only to use one I would probably go with the Helibars. I don't think there would be a great deal of differance in riding position but the Helibars would keep a much more stock appearance.
