Got the shakes!

Come on down - we rode 300+ miles last Saturday. It was a little chilly for me at 72 degrees.
Do what I do, longandlow.

Wait for the weather to get slightly above freezing, then go for a short ride every chance you get!
+1 on getting a scoot in whenever above freezing. Was +3 here this morning.

Looking forward to a "big fix" at bike week in Daytona in March.
We got about 3 inches of snow yesterday. But, I was able to do a 100 mile ride the night before. It was 30 degrees when I left the house between 6:30 and 7:00 pm and I rode until almost 9:00. I would have stayed out if I didn't have to pick up my son from his Karate class. I'm really glad I went out. That was a good call.
Not sure how you guys handle not being able to ride..I ride every day I don't work (I only work 2 days a week
). I start to get the shakes after 1 day of not being able to ride
funny you say..I charged and started the bikes today here in ct and My heart was POUNDING!!!!!!!

cant wait..spring is around the corner!!

only good thing about having winter,time to do mods upgrades ect..but I sure would love riding all year round!!!
i hate snow and the cold weather!!! got hit with more snow yesterday and the day before, temp currently outside is 2 degrees, looking at a high of 8 degrees today and havent riden the bike since November. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!