Is there any hobby better than hittin' the road with high 60's to low 70's temperatures, sunny skies and a busa that will loft the front on command? I think NOT!
Took it out 'n played with it again today. No, not that... the BUSA!
Had 'er all shined up and just couldn't resist takin' her out and sharing her with the world. It isn't fair for me to keep something this beautiful all to myself.
I still can't believe how easily she will loft the front end now. As I mentioned in another thread, I'm a big dude (read "fat ass") and never really had a wheelie problem on the busa since day one. I could do whatever I wanted to with the throttle. She would pin me back against the hump and rocket off but except for a few super low power wheelies where the front skimmed along just off the ground she stayed planted. Not so anymore. The devil's wheelie on my last good ride wasn't a fluke.
Today's ride was pretty tame for the most part. I just fired 'er up and rolled out without a destination. God, that's nice to do every once in a while isn't it!? I just hit the road to see where I ended up. Lots and lots of sweepers and easy corners along the way. Nothing requiring any real thought or effort, just me and my girl dancing to the tune of that schweet ass Hindle.
Mile after mile of smooth, clean roads with little to no traffic. Fresh, comfortable air rushing by. People working in the yards, out walking, washing cars, just doing the things folks do on a day this pretty. Me? I'm hangin' onto my baby with any cares I had before the ride just shedding away like the leaves from the trees along the way. Nothing clears my mind and recharges my batteries like a good ride on the busa. Nothing...
Ended up at one of my old street racin' scenes. It's about a half mile straight with a long sweeper at the other end and guard rails and woods on both sides of the road. I couldn't resist. I didn't do a launch, just a hard roll on in 1st gear. I mean a HAAAARD roll on. Have you seen the turbo busa video where the front keeps tryin' to climb and the rider has to feather the throttle to keep it from just standing straight up? That's the kind of roll on I'm talkin' about. In fact, that video replayed in my head as I rolled on and feathered in an attempt to keep her horizontal. The only thing missing was the little turbo whistle on the shifts.
I got up to, well, FAST and took the sweeper hard.
After the sweeper rolled by I backed off and let her coast back down to cruising altitude. The second half of the ride was just as uneventful and relaxing as the first. More fresh air and nice scenery. I did have a dog make a futile attempt to catch me about a mile from home. Hehehehehe... As is recommended, I slowed WAY down and as I approached him I blasted off to throw his timing off. When the Hindle sounded off he got this oh poop look and changed directions. Scared the hell out of that dog! Hehehehehehehehehe...
My hour or so of riding made today the BEST day I've had this week. My head is clear, my thoughts are all positive and my whole outlook on life is strangely improved. It is absolutely invigorating to be involved in sport bike riding. I can't imagine another hobby that could be this damned FUN.
Have I told you people lately that I LOVE YOU?
Reason for Edit: "'cause there's no way to type this much and not have to edit"|1068680665 -->
Took it out 'n played with it again today. No, not that... the BUSA!

I still can't believe how easily she will loft the front end now. As I mentioned in another thread, I'm a big dude (read "fat ass") and never really had a wheelie problem on the busa since day one. I could do whatever I wanted to with the throttle. She would pin me back against the hump and rocket off but except for a few super low power wheelies where the front skimmed along just off the ground she stayed planted. Not so anymore. The devil's wheelie on my last good ride wasn't a fluke.

Today's ride was pretty tame for the most part. I just fired 'er up and rolled out without a destination. God, that's nice to do every once in a while isn't it!? I just hit the road to see where I ended up. Lots and lots of sweepers and easy corners along the way. Nothing requiring any real thought or effort, just me and my girl dancing to the tune of that schweet ass Hindle.
Mile after mile of smooth, clean roads with little to no traffic. Fresh, comfortable air rushing by. People working in the yards, out walking, washing cars, just doing the things folks do on a day this pretty. Me? I'm hangin' onto my baby with any cares I had before the ride just shedding away like the leaves from the trees along the way. Nothing clears my mind and recharges my batteries like a good ride on the busa. Nothing...
Ended up at one of my old street racin' scenes. It's about a half mile straight with a long sweeper at the other end and guard rails and woods on both sides of the road. I couldn't resist. I didn't do a launch, just a hard roll on in 1st gear. I mean a HAAAARD roll on. Have you seen the turbo busa video where the front keeps tryin' to climb and the rider has to feather the throttle to keep it from just standing straight up? That's the kind of roll on I'm talkin' about. In fact, that video replayed in my head as I rolled on and feathered in an attempt to keep her horizontal. The only thing missing was the little turbo whistle on the shifts.

After the sweeper rolled by I backed off and let her coast back down to cruising altitude. The second half of the ride was just as uneventful and relaxing as the first. More fresh air and nice scenery. I did have a dog make a futile attempt to catch me about a mile from home. Hehehehehe... As is recommended, I slowed WAY down and as I approached him I blasted off to throw his timing off. When the Hindle sounded off he got this oh poop look and changed directions. Scared the hell out of that dog! Hehehehehehehehehe...

My hour or so of riding made today the BEST day I've had this week. My head is clear, my thoughts are all positive and my whole outlook on life is strangely improved. It is absolutely invigorating to be involved in sport bike riding. I can't imagine another hobby that could be this damned FUN.
Have I told you people lately that I LOVE YOU?

Reason for Edit: "'cause there's no way to type this much and not have to edit"|1068680665 -->