Gonna try this again...


Donating Member
It was stated in another thread how RSD is very good at solicitations. Well, I'm gonna try doing this one again for a noble cause. The members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. (a non-profit service organization) is hosting it's second annual golf tournament to help area youths with scholarship money. I am asking that members from the site donate whatever they can. All I am looking for is $100 on behalf of the members here to sponsor a hole in the tournament. Once we get the $100, I will have the sign drawn up and pictures taken at the tourney so that everyone sees that what I'm asking for is legit. We all piss away $100 on BS and I don't think it's a lot to ask from a great group of guys/gals like yourself. Donations can be made via PayPal to my email address (bacharles11@msn.com) or to my temporary home address: 2960 Lake St. #277
Lake Charles, La. 70601

I will keep a running tally of all the monies collected here on the site. Last year I asked for $1 from members here to send local teens to a special camp that prepares high school juniors and seniors for college life, and to be respectable and productive citizens.

P.S. Just so noone misunderstands. I'm basically trying to solicit a total of $100 from the members here. Not $100 per member so that you all can call me some horrible names that would get you banned.
Paypal Bro???

Hit me with something like that or I suppose I can mail a check...
What's the latest date that you can set for contributions???

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We need to have the money turned in by May 31st. The tournament is the second Saturday in June.
Little Something for ya... As my VP we gotta keep a look out.
Dang REV, you didn't have too big guy...  But I love ya for it anyway.

Grand total:   $75 and counting

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Just wana see the .org get a hole sponsored on the course.
Well I'm going snail mail so you get a bit over what you asked for...And that is cool...
We're at $110 right now before the snail mail from da Stunnahman. We don't have to stop at this number because believe me... it's definitely worth it. I was seeking a minimum of $100 for the hole sponsorship, but a little extra is always nice. Thanx guys/gals for the support.
Well I'm going snail mail so you get a bit over what you asked for...And that is cool...
Sure Stunnah, we can accept a mailed one. I remember that you supported us last year also. If you haven't mailed the check already, you can make it out to Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. Lake Charles Alumni. I know that it's a lot to put on one line... so write small.
Here's a link to our flyer and registration form for the Golf Tournament.  Don't want anyone to think that I'm trying to rip them off or anything like that.

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