Getting hot


Cool Breeze
Donating Member
Well, I was joy riding in daytona earlier today (major traffic). I looked down and the temp was way up.The red light was on. It's the first time this has happenend to me. It came down after some normal riding, but I'm still concerned, It wasn't that hot today, and you'd think that it being a closed system it shouldn't overheat???I'm going to check her out tomorrow to see what's up...Any comments???
Have you changed your coolant recently? If so you probably have some air trapped that needs to work it's way out. Was your fan kicking on?
No coolant change, I believe the fan was turning on, but hard to tell with all the dang noisy harley's around
mine did that once and than never happend agian and i never found anything wrong . i actualy had to pull over and let it cool down but like i said it never happend agian and i have been in worst traffic sense
Muzzy fan and water wetter does the trick.
since I have done this mine does not get hot.
This happened to me the other day too. Heavy traffic and I stopped for gas and got back in line and it suddenly shot up. Thought it might just have been heat soaked from stopping and then jumping right back into traffic. I flushed it in December and filled it with Havoline Dexcool and Water wetter. Has over a thousand miles on it since then so
BTW it was only in the 50's!
Muzzy fan is definitely on the agenda for this summer!
I would guess air bubble, as well, but you may want to at least change to a Muzzy fan.
I have a muzzy fan and just installed engine ice. You really need to make sure you get ALL the air out by burping the bike. I had no problem in Daytona on Saturday, 3/10. It was really the first time in that type of traffic since the engine ice was installed so it was the test period. I also installed a manual fan switch but never needed it either. I was watching the needle and it never went above the middle line. The fan was kicking, you can really feel the extra air it pushes.  
(bigoltool @ Mar. 10 2007,21:01) This happened to me the other day too. Heavy traffic and I stopped for gas and got back in line and it suddenly shot up. Thought it might just have been heat soaked from stopping and then jumping right back into traffic. I flushed it in December and filled it with Havoline Dexcool and Water wetter. Has over a thousand miles on it since then so
BTW it was only in the 50's!
Muzzy fan is definitely on the agenda for this summer!
Yeah, it was only like 79 or 80 here. But summer is coming
Just in case it happens again, manual says to turn her off when the red light comes on.

Sounds like the Muzzy fan and engine ice is the way to go.
I was up there with a couple of other guys who had busas & only 1 of us (03 busa) had a problem with overheating. His bike actually shut off & wouldnt start for 20mins. We had to push it from the bridge to that first gas station on main street. I shut my bike ( 04 busa) down while I was helping to get my buddy's bike out of traffic & when I went to go turn my bike back on the temp read very high & almost didnt start. After starting it, I just let the fan run & took it down one of the side roads where there wasnt any traffic so I could cool it off.

My other buddy with the 06 busa didn't have any problems at all.
I use water wetter. Works really well. From time to time my water level goes down a bit. Maybe like 4oz of water needed to fill back up. But I can tell when I need to do it because it goes over the halfway mark during lights.
Well ,,I guess I'm taking her in for some new shoes and service ,gonna get them to check it out while she's in there.