Food for thought:education,labor, politics,ect


Ok, so laying around on my day off; I got thinking.

Let’s start with education: Right now in the USA math seems to be our weak point in education, understandable since we have been on a creative binge and math is that creative. Some of our high school kids struggle with math because honestly most middle schools pass them almost regardless of what they can do, leaving a lot of them with aprox 6th grade math skills.
This in its self not to bad I guess maybe, well at least it explains why you bill at McDonalds is $11.05 and you give the register person a $20, $1, and a nickel and you get “ sorry (sir/miss) you gave me too much and they never figure it out.
Then for labor: all the manufacturing jobs are going overseas, along with anything that is repetitive and low skill. Not bad I guess we will just have to learn how to do things that are not low skill. But then again China graduates engineers about 7x faster than we do and India about the same. So low skill jobs they are taking, high skill jobs they are training their citizens 7x faster separate or 14x faster if you count both.
So our solution, Invent faster before they have enough people to recreate the technology we created. I think this may only work in comic books.
Now for politics: They are planning log term by making laws that any company that does business in china has to share its technology. This means in about 10 years they won’t need anything we got to sell to them.
Does this sound familiar? I hope it does in the 1800’s when the British tried setting up trade with china. Same thing happened almost, China “your stuff no good, we make better; and we sell our stuff to you?†British “we buy your stuff, you buy ours?†Final result British sells opium (some kind of drug) to china.
Ok to over look everything even quicker then when I typed it.
Education: Our school systems suck, re election campaign budgets are far larger, and some how you can get to 12th grade on 6th grade skills? And this is no joke, In Pueblo, CO School District 60 you no longer need credits to get to 12th grade, but you do need them to get a high school diploma. This was done to improve CSAP/ACT/SAT scores since if you get to 12th grade you don’t have to take the tests again.
Labor: Costs are so low any company that wants to stay in business has to buy overseas, because if they don’t someone will. The USA laws on companies and labor allows other countries to exploit us because they can under bid USA companies and put heavy taxes to limit USA company’s ability to effectively compete in their countries. USA being fair is giving everyone else an unfair advantage in production. And anything we create is ripped off and reproduced by cheap labor kept artificially low to beat out competition. ~~And they subsidize their higher education and push hard for higher education then we do. In the early 1980’s higher education in India cost aprox $6USD which could buy maybe 3-4 meals in India at the time, while in America higher education was about $3-4000USD per semester.
Politics: What else can be said besides it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to get someone elected to a good position. While they never have a long term plan for anything besides trying to get re elected. Obama said he would lower higher education and I paid $3,000USD for summer classes (taking 3 classes 9credit hours) just so I can graduate a little bit early.
Final thought, if you can get yourself elected official position in the government of united states of America, you should get cement shoes and thrown into ocean.
and before any even asks yes am happy with my education, and my prospects to get a good paying job.

Am not happy that education a bad, politicians dont care about anyone, and am only gana promote up by shipping someones job overseas just to compete with other companies from other countries.

Also my field of study is Business Admin with a Marketing Emphasis.