My first flat was on my Kawasaki Eliminator. It was the back tire and I made it about two miles out of town headed home (30 miles). I had my girl on the back and sat on the side of the road for about 20 minutes. I didn't have a cell at the time????? Her cousin thankfully came along and gave me a can of fix-a-flat. Whitch for the record does nothing. My girl road with her cousin and I headed home. I rode around 30 miles on a flat tire. As long as you're moving the tire stays up. When I hit the bypass for my exit, as soon as I slowed down my tire went totally flat. I had no control. Luckily My cousin drove by, seen me, went and got his trailer and hauled me home. Funny thing was. Some one a sportsbike was rubbernecking on the exit and ended up locking his brakes and hitting the gardrail. Thankfully he picked up his bike and rode off.
The second time I had a flat on the back of my 89 Kawasaki 750. Pulled into a gas station to get gas and discovered it. Thankfully an old farmer had a plug kit. The tire was a week old so I ran it for another year. I would definetly not do it on the Busa. I've never had a flat on the front and don't want one.