F-ing Bees! I hate bees! I should have punched every bee in the face!

When I was about 12 my dad raised bee's, It was all fine and dandy until 1 day me and the dog went down by the hive, It was cooling off and the bees were becoming dormant, so I thought. The dog saw something and started barking and that was enough to make them swarm, when they came out of the hive they were pissed, Not sure if they were chasing me or the dog but it really didnt matter seeing how when I took off the dog followed me until I dove into a 500 gallon stock tank and held my breath for what had to be a world record. when I came to the surface both the dog and bees were gone, Dog did make it home ok.
Ok, if those Yellow Jackets survive the gallon or so of lawnmower gas I so willingly donated to them, and they find their way past the inch or so of rubberized undercoating I found in the garage, they're demon bees and we're fugged... I'll try and remember a pic in the morning.
I have had several bee encounters. The worst one:

Back in 1988 I was stung in the throat by a honeybee at my dads house, was about 8 or 10 days after my wedding. Had been stung alot as a kid so thought nothing of it. Sat there for about 3 or 4 minutes and kept feelin for a welt. Well, it never got swollen, thought that was wierd so I walked thru the front door, they have a huge mirror in the entry. About the time I opened the screen door I felt my whole body swell up and get hot. I instantly got an massive headache that almost dropped me to my knees. I looked in the mirror, what I saw scared the S*** outta me. Bright red swollen body and face.

My wife, sister, granny and stepmom watched as I ran thru the house screaming at them to get the F ing keys and get me to the hospital. Headed straight to the garage and into dad's car screaming get me to the F ing hospital. Damn, I knew I was about to die.

Luckily, the hospital is maybe 4 minutes from his house. My vision went half way there, I suppose that's when I quit breathing. Saw bright white light that went to tunnel vision then sucked down to a pinhole, then just blackness. At that point I knew it was all over, thats it for me good bye. It was surreal, it was like, damn can't believe this is it. I had no senses, couldn't see or hear anything, no feeling, just a million thoughts racing thru my mind.

Then suddenly I heard voices, recognized Dads voice yelling at the nurses/doc's and could feel being drug outta the car, I think. That was a surprize, I had given myself up for dead. Whoa hold on here I ain't dead yet, someone save my ass pleeeease! Here I am, here I am, come and get me, make it quick, don't think I can hang on much longer.

Came to on a gurney in the ER after they hit me with defibulator, sucking so hard to get a breath it hurt like hell. Felt like a concrete truck was parked on my chest. All I wanted to know for some reason was if I was going to fricken die, Doc says no calm down, relax yeah right buddy I can't breathe, I'm tryin but theres no air commin in. Am I alive?

My poor Dad was a wreak. He said I watched you die there beside me in the car and all I could do is haul ass to the hospital. The Doc said only thing that saved me was the short tip to the ER and the fact that Pops knew what happened. If I hadn't jumped in the car and had collapsed in the house, I would have been dead before the ambulance got there.

It was just freak thing, the pinpoint precision of the bee. Right in the jugular and when I felt for the welt I must of squeezed the full load of venom in into to my blood stream. I got tested for every stingin insect under the sun and had no reaction.

It's good get lucky or unlucky I suppose depending on how you look at it. Knew a guy at the Vol. Fire Dept. He wasn't as lucky. Was riding his Harley got stung, died on the side of the road. An off duty Paramedic stopped to help him, but it was too late.

Then there's the time a bumble bee flew up my pant leg when I was a kid. I was out shootin rabbits with the 12 gauge wearing milking boots. Stepped on gopher hole and a bumble bee I swear the size of a ping pong ball went up my pant leg and hit me 6 times above and below the knee. I dropped the gun was trying to mash him thru my pants. Much to my relief he quit stingin'. There I was out it the field, yeah you got it, trying to get my pants off again :laugh: when the sucker fell down into my boot and started going to town on my ankle and foot another 7 times. So now I've got my pants down around my ass :moon: and the bee in my boot. I look down, theres the shotgun. For a split second the thought flashed thru my mind. Pick it up and shoot the f'er. That's pain baby when you consider shootin your own foot off.

Finally killed it, pants down, boot off layin in a tall field of green grass, thankin God I just didn't blow my foot off. :thumbsup:
I had one hit me in the neck, fall down my shirt, and sting me 3 times in the stomach and chest. That happend on my trip last summer 8 miles from Hepner, OR. I made it to town in about 7 minutes. I found out that day that I'm deathly allergic to bee stings.

I must have looked funny standing on the side of the road trying to strip my leathers off in a panic to find the bee.
:rofl: Ahhh!, the frantic weird mystery human dance, I did that once but was lucky that there was a pool on the property that I was at and yes I went swimming with everything, cell phone, wallet etc. My coworkers at the time couldn't figure out why I got to go swimming while they had to work :rofl: not knowing what just happened to me.

Unfortunately I got nailed so many times that I did end up at the ER, they gave me some kind of pain killer and wrapped in warm blankets which was actually nice, a week later when my body came down from all the venom, I proceeded to itch from head to toe. I really don't hate bees now, I guess I'd be pissed also if someone stuck their big clumsy foot directly in my house and me and my 4000 friends were all carrying knives :oh:

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Bees are like snakes to me. They can be very benificial for the environment. My rule is if they don't bother me, then I wont bother them. Cross that line and it is ON!!!!!! So far I have been lucky nothing serious, Thank God. I did have some Carpenter bees terrorize me while living in WV in a log home. I had to sneak out the front door everytime I went to work. Couldn't enjoy the front porch. So finally I waited until evening and went around and caulk up every hole in my porch that those little suckers had bored. Never had another problem with the bees. The snakes were a different story. But I beat them too. :laugh: :rulez:
I'm screwed. I'm not going to be able to get that pic out of my head for the rest of the day and will get no work done.

Classic visual though. :rofl:
For those of you who never heard of insecticides... here is a news for you..
You can get some 14 Oz can at home depot and kill the whole nest.. Works great!
They will never return on the same spot.

No need for 5 gallons of gasoline dumping on your land. :rofl:

Tried that...it didn't work...i think the queen b is the one we have to worry about. She needs to DIE!
It's ON!!! They wont see the sunrise tomorrow!!

Hmmm I wonder why the window was down, the door unlocked and the key in the ignition for the last few weeks. The person who shall remain nameless, but whose initials are B.U.S.A.W.H.I.P.P.E.D used the truck last. We have had several storms and not to mention were gone for a week. I guess we live in a pretty secure neighborhood. ???

your lucky you didn't get stung, I had the something happen to me about 4 yrs ago, got stung 5 times and allot of cursing to say the least, needless to say when dusk came around all the nasty little yellow jackets died a horrific death, of gasoline cocktail... don't waste your time using stuff in a can, get a gallon of gas, just make sure you watch them to see if they have an entrance and an exit, some have both!!! have fun!!!:thumbsup:
Thank God the seat was soaked, cause I probably wouldn't have seen them until I was on the road and it would have been too late. *shuddering*
A guy and I went riding with this 20 something yr old girl on her CBR1000 last week (1st time meeting this girl) and when we got to the reservoir see tells us she got stung by a bee under her big 44 DD"s.??? She was lifting her shirt and pulling her bra down while she had us looking between her cleavage for the stinger.:cheerleader: My bud is single but not me so I left the poison sucking to him.:whistle: That was a fun ride.:laugh:

Any pics? :please:

Of the DD's, I've seen pics of bees!:laugh:
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Bees are bad but Yellow Jackets are killers! I had a run in with them a few years ago. If you can fine the hole cover it with a large glass bowl. This way they can't get out. Then pour a little gasoline in there keeping it covered as best as you can. The gas fumes should kill all of them. DON'T lite it because as much fun as that sounds it wont get them all, I too hate them!