Do you believe in extraterrestrial life ?

I work with people that think they are God's gift to humanity and the universe revolves around them...does that count!
I think we must work in the same place... some of the employees where I work are straight from the Azzhat Central Employment Agency.

It's C.

Our human mind has difficulty in understanding the concept of infinity.

Much easier to just cheat gravity by turning the throttle on your Busa.:laugh:
I personally believe in C. I was at Home Depot, and this alien insisted on repairing my siding using superior repair skills :poke: wait, what are we talking about again. :whistle:
What do you think ?
A) Are we alone , the center of the universe and created by God and or natural evolution ?


B) Are we an Alien experiment gone bad which they continously watch and observe ?


C) Are we one of an infinite amount of life in an infinite universe so far removed we just have not discovered others yet ?

I am a big fan of Carl Sagan and used to love watching his show 'Cosmos' with my dad. I grew up going to Christian preparatory schools and my teachers always used to get twisted when I suggested we were not alone and asked questions like those.
As a Christian and someone who understands the word INFINITE (as in universe) I wonder how the two will actually merge ? If and when proof is found will that otherworldly race have faith and religion ?
How insane would it be if little green men from Mars worshipped the same God as us ? It would lend credence to the faith that God created the heavens and all in them wouldn't it ?
How insane would it be if Aliens came and showed us a DVD of the creation of man and said there is no God. ?
How insane would it be if the creation of man was the artificial insemination of an abducted Bigfoot by said aliens in order to create the first hairless upright talking ape ?
Are the UFOs people report seeing visitors from other worlds or as many believe visitors from future Earth with the ability to time travel ?

Just :whistle:and curious what y'all think ?

Religion always capitulates to science, it has to. Remember Galileo? Eventually the church gave in and adjusted church teaching to fit reality.. Organized Religion will do the same thing when life is found elsewhere.
I think our arrogance and ignorance would have to be nearly infinite to believe we're the only life in the universe.

Beyond the simple probablility aspect when one calculates trillions of stars with billions of solar systems, just take a look at the crazy, previously believed inhospitable places on Earth where we've found life.

It's hard to believe, but there are even people living in the state of .......... :poke: :rofl:
Maybe they walk with us and we don't know it. Some of our fellow Busa riders could be one. Maybe the one that came up with the idea of the busa is one. Who knows.:laugh:
I guess it comes from seeing "Chariots of the Gods" at too early of an age....???
Also a visit to Machu Picchu when I was 9 just made me think "no way did a human carry these stones up this mountain and cut them so perfect".
Just no way. If they did they used Alien owned dewalt 18 volt tools.

Puma Punku, Must see
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Reminds me of that movie Signs... kinda freaky. :whistle:

I liked that movie but what I didn't get is that if water is like acid to the aliens, why were they on Earth harvesting humans for food when we're 60% water? I'd think we'd give them terrible heartburn. ???
I think our arrogance and ignorance would have to be nearly infinite to believe we're the only life in the universe.

Beyond the simple probablility aspect when one calculates trillions of stars with billions of solar systems, just take a look at the crazy, previously believed inhospitable places on Earth where we've found life.

It's hard to believe, but there are even people living in the state of .......... :poke: :rofl:

Look to the Drake equation with the Copernican principle

I wonder how many had the self fulfilling prophecy of the 12/21/2012 issue however.. :whistle: (seriously, you though the Y2k thing was bad? )
Anyone remember this movie ?
Rowdy Roddy Piper in "They Live"

They Live - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guess you folks don't have the right kind of glasses cuz if you did you could see that Aliens are not AMONG US they are UNDER US.....:rofl:

Proof Aliens exist  'Rat Heah'.jpg
Mr Bogus Y2K was predicted by a bunch of computers nuts who were worried about their own nuts.

12.21.2012 was predicted by many civilisations as well as noted foks throughout history.
This date was predicted by folks whose calendar we still follow.
Kinda like someone giving you a map and it showing where the road ends.
You may wanna believe them.....:whistle:
I agree with you. It may get pretty bad at the stores come summer of 2012.

Strange how 12.21.2012 will be approx 1 month after the next Pres. elction here.
And we all know how crazy Bush/Gore could have gone !
The chit may hit the fan as a result of proven conspiracy in the next election and that may be the fuse which lights this MoFo up !
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Mr Bogus Y2K was predicted by a bunch of computers nuts who were worried about their own nuts.

12.21.2012 was predicted by many civilisations as well as noted foks throughout history.
This date was predicted by folks whose calendar we still follow.
Kinda like someone giving you a map and it showing where the road ends.
You may wanna believe them.....:whistle:
I agree with you. It may get pretty bad at the stores come summer of 2012.

Strange how 12.21.2012 will be approx 1 month after the next Pres. elction here.
And we all know how crazy Bush/Gore could have gone !
The chit may hit the fan as a result of proven conspiracy in the next election and that may be the fuse which lights this MoFo up !
it is also my birthday.... :laugh: point being you saw how wound up people got over something that "could" have caused such widespread problems (power grid, water supply, financial system) and that was only a concoction of about 20 years worth of technology.. now we got thousands of years of history behind this one...

I am going camping myself.... (*birthday party will be a couple days early too) :laugh:
The Gateway to the Sun at the ruins of Tiahuanaco is where the date originates as we know it I believe.
Many believe this 'Gateway' is an ancient time portal and that the date actually represents the day of 'their' return rather than our demise.

Tiwanaku, Bolivia - Crystalinks

This entire area is full of ruins.
Pumapunku is a not so talked about site which is actually older than any Pyramid on the earth and just as intricately made.
This is supposed to have been made by people who knew not the wheel or steel. Over 5000 yrs old it is.

The lines of Nazca in Peru are another good question.
Why would people do things like that and how would they know what it looked like without having surveyed it from above.
Lake Titicaca is on Peru and Bolivias coast. If you translate the name it means 'Leaping Jaguar'.
Only from an altitude high enough to see the whole lake which is close to LEO(low earth orbit) can one see that the outline of the lake exactly resembles a 'Leaping Jaguar' ?
How could anyone have known that without having gotten a free ride in something ?

There are sites off the coast of Japan that contain Pyramids as well.
All with finely cut huge stones placed and laid in a fashion that it is impossible to explain with modern thought processes.

Even our own Christian bible has accts of things unexplained.
In "Ezekial" he writes of seeing a huge wheel spinning in the sky with Angels about.
It breathed smoke and brimstone and left this world in a huge column of fire !
:poke: according to men in black Denis Rodman is an Alian...i Have met him, and i believe it:laugh:
the fact that so many ancient people, have tales of "gods"comming from the what could be interpreted as space conjunction with the sites and artifacts that defy hard to argue against.

then you have one of the greatest engineers of the 20th century say ""We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.... Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." Ben Rich, former head of Lochead Skunk Works.
I think early visitors "gene spliced" the chimps. :rofl: Probably to perpetuate themselves. I'm sure they are out there, but how could they travel so far? Perhaps as dry ingredients that were robot assisted reconstituted on arrival. :rofl: I have the full story line in mind for a book.... :beerchug: