Deal's Gap - Busa Bash...!


Donating Member
For Deal's Gap vets and newbies... wanna ride? If there's enough interest, a spring Busa group showing would be giggles (at least we would own the straight sections between the 318 curves within 11 miles).

It can get crowded with sports cars on some weekends, bikes on other weekends but the weather should be decent in April and there are several places to stay in the vicinity, some great, some mediocre. April is a good time to ride the Dragon before the summer crowds arrive. Traffic is usually light then and the weather can be extremely good. Trees leaf-out in late April, so before that you still have good views of approaching curves and traffic. The last weekend in April can be busy with the Harley Rally in Cherokee attracting many bikers.

Skeerd yet?

Hera are some of the scheduled events:

APRIL 2004
April 16-18 2nd Annual "Wake the Dragon" An expected 60+ S2000's will enjoy the weekend on the Dragon and area roadways!
April 16-18 brings a large group to the Dragon and Cherohala.
April 23-24 BMW R1150R "Beakster Bash"
April 30-May 2 The Mini-Coopers Return Contact

MAY 2004
May 1-9 returns to the Dragon
May 14-16 2004 Ride at Deals Gap
May 14-17 First Annual ZX6R Dragon Run
May 15-16, Annual Kawasaki Triples Worldwide Deal's Gap Meet
May 20-24, ZDayZ at Tail of the Dragon Fontana Village Resort, devoted to Nissan Z-Cars.
May 23-30 Kawasaki's ZX-12R Owner's Club will rally at the Dragon!!
May 28-31 Suzuki RF RIDER'S

Information Links:

Tail of the Dragon
Deal's Gap

Shall we ride? If really interested, your input please...!

External Links Missing
The Dragon is at Highway 129 at the TN/NC border.

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how the hell did that red/maroon bike go off the road on a straight??

I'm seriously considering it. Checking vacation, schedules, etc.
Q: Don't the cops just pitch a tent at both ends and hand out assumed tickets? I'm sure the limit on the whole thing is like 20-35 right?
Went last year, had a great time. WIll definately go again this year whenever my schedule allows. Really scenic area, great riding all around that area. Well worth a little trip or two for anyone. Plus it is only around 3 1/2 hours from me.
I'm seriously considering it.  Checking vacation, schedules, etc.
Q:  Don't the cops just pitch a tent at both ends and hand out assumed tickets?  I'm sure the limit on the whole thing is like 20-35 right?
I only saw one cop the whole time I was there and they really can only "hang out" at certain places that you can be made aware. Actually the 11 mile stretch referred to as the TOD is single lane each way with no roads or driveways entering it and really nowhere for a cop to park and clock you. It really is like a blacktop rollercoaster thru the woods. Really cool.

But be warned, they do give tickets, particularly on the north end past the lookout and at the south end at the Deals Gap Resort (the word resort is used very loosely here). The speed limit is 35 I think and it actually is fun to drive even at the speed limit, just be prepared to let faster riders pass you.

I have tons of pictures but I have posted them all before.
If you get as far as the Gap. Make sure you go through the Smokies, it is fantastic.
I've done "The Dragon" infrequently for many, many years (grew up in Maryville, TN, just a few miles away). When I go, my first pass is always a casual reconnaissance run to check out road conditions, potential ticket traps, traffic, etc. You really don't have to burn the tires off or drag knees to enjoy it immensely. The scenery is awesome.
Have fun! Wish I could go, maybe next year. Check the Dragon web site for current info on Law enforcement situation. for the last couple years there are cameras set up in the woods and unmarked cars too. Just be careful???
I'm trying to get a group of guys from work(not Busas) to go at the end of April. 4/23-4/25
Have fun! Wish I could go, maybe next year. Check the Dragon web site for current info on Law enforcement situation. for the last couple years there are cameras set up in the woods and unmarked cars too. Just be careful???
You next year I will meet you and take you on a few roads that only the locals know.
Very beautiful area.
how long is it time wise? Could I capture the whole ride on one 60 min tape?
It takes most people about 20 min. to run the 11 miles of Deal's Gap proper, one way. Many stop about half-way through on the dam, which is the only straight and where many cops park.

Also, I heard last year that cops were walking up in plain clothes and talking to riders to get them to admit to violations then writing them up. I would suggest not bragging at all when in the area. And NC has used air support to get riders. Plus, if you are nabbed and have a very openly visible camera, they have been taken and used the tapes as additional evidence for more charges(NC). Be careful. Don't be stupid, and have fun.
I used to live in North Carolina. Incredbable scenery with riding to match in many areas through out the south east. Sure would like to make that trip but it's a long way from Oregon. I envy the guys and gals who get to enjoy this one. Have a blast.
Been there many times and its always an awesome ride. If you plan on going down make a weekend of it. The scenery is beautiful along the Cherohola Parkway and the Blue Ridge Parkway.Plus you can ride to Harrah's on the Cherokee Reservation and try your luck on the slots or in the casino. Who knows may win enough to get those new mods -----NOT

Hooooold on there, let's get back to this:, is the one on the left a woman or a dude (notice I had the tact to not say "chick"
)? If it is, that's sooo right, if not, that's soooo wrong, knowhutImean?

Anyway. I think I'm interested -- I'll be moving mid-year to Colorado, so this might be a nice "last hurrah."
Really an awesome place, even ridden at legal (or close to legal) speed it is a blast and like others have mentioned there are many other places to ride nearby that are almost as good. This was taken at the north end overlooking one of the smaller dams. The large dam where the Fugitive was shot is at the south end below Deals Gap Resort.

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Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the Dragon in April but I am going to be in Knoxville for the Honda Hoot in June
(22nd-25th) and anticipate doing the Dragon one of these days. Maybe, it would be nice to coordinate a 'busa ride during
the Hoot. Anyone interested...holla back!!