Best picture ever..

Was it this one...


My vote is this one,

Just cause I like them black.

Cool thing is Greg built them both.

Maybe we need a thread titled "Bikes built by HPC":whistle:

This thread went from good to bad in a hurry.. :dunno:

KS great pic.. :thumbsup:
Boaz great pic.. :thumbsup:
Green great pic.. :thumbsup:

All the rest sub std.. :poke:
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wow, i created a monster when i made that reply, but thats what this forum is all about, the busa. and i stand by the very first comment i made. there are some fat ass bikes on this site and all are nice in thier own way. but as far as a picture of a busa i still say that this one is the best picture just the way it is taken and the way the bike sits.

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wow, i created a monster when i made that reply, but thats what this forum is all about, the busa. and i stand by the very first comment i made. there are some fat ass bikes on this site and all are nice in thier own way. but as far as a picture of a busa i still say that this one is the best picture just the way it is taken and the way the bike sits.

She does look good bro, I give you that hands down. :beerchug: