Best Method for Cleaning Wheels

Dear Fellas

I appreciate all of your replies!

Based on your replies, I'll make a Wal-Mart run and get some WD40, some rags, and some disposable gloves.

I'll find an online source for the Honda polish and the Maxima Chain Wax.

Thanks again!

Dear Fellas

I appreciate all of your replies!

Based on your replies, I'll make a Wal-Mart run and get some WD40, some rags, and some disposable gloves.

I'll find an online source for the Honda polish and the Maxima Chain Wax.

Thanks again!

From my experience with my new '08 I would also keep a close eye on your chain tension, your owners manual will give you specs and it aint rocket science. I was told it would be loose quick and it was - couple hundred miles, for first adjust job.
I use S100 to clean mine if I'm going to clean the whole bike. If I'm just cleaning the dust off from a daily ride I use a car wash mit with water on it, then wipe off with a towel.
Just finished cleaning my bike 15 minutes ago. Used windex on the rims (chrome) and meguires spray and wax on the rest of the bike. From start to finish only 30 minutes.
While WD-40 works nice, if you dont somehow clean it off, it will only attract dirt again. I use Professional Acrillic enamel reducer or urethane paint reducer. Cleans very nicely, dries fast and is not harsh on the paint or powdercoat that is on your factory wheels. Also works great on getting the tar off of your swingarm...
Used to be the new generation couldn't work on them now they wont even clean them.Ask me whats wrong with this country..Jack
Dear Jack

I have no idea what's wrong with this country. I make it a point not to watch or listen to news or read the newspaper. The news always gets me down. Now, after perhaps six years of not tuning into any news, I have no idea what's going on. I'm delightfully oblivious.

See, I have no idea how to work on a car and I don't want to wash one, either. I clip coupons from a couple of local auto detailers and generally pay around US$20 including gratuity to have my car washed.

I'd rather part with twenty bucks than spend the time and money to clean my bike myself.

When I was a teenager I'd spend nearly twenty hours during the week getting my 600 Ninja cleaned up for a weekend ride. I enjoyed cleaning my bike then and might even enjoy it now, but I was trying to figure out if there were any shortcuts for the process.

how can you bond with your baby if you don't put forth a little TLC
While WD-40 works nice, if you dont somehow clean it off, it will only attract dirt again. I use Professional Acrillic enamel reducer or urethane paint reducer. Cleans very nicely, dries fast and is not harsh on the paint or powdercoat that is on your factory wheels. Also works great on getting the tar off of your swingarm...
True, if you use WD-40 (which I do - cheap and effective) you'll need to quickly come back over with Windex, rubbing alcohol, etc. to remove the WD-40 film - very quick and easy though. Not sure about all the big words BP just used.
I use a brush and simple green . then just wash away.
Dear frisbee

I have some Simple Green left over from when we had a WaveRunner. The WaveRunner's tail end got all nasty from the two stroke exhaust and Simple Green washed it right away.

I believe I'll give your method a try, too.

Thanks for responding.

Boy you guys do A LOT of work cleaning wheels......


That is all......"THE SPUD" has spoken............

Spray on, the grease will try and smear and end up on the PLEXUS and end up on the rag, what's left will try and do the same, ending up on your rag, and what little is left will end up....ON THE RAG...does that sound funny to anyone
? offense....use a nice soft towel, flipping it inside out'll end up with a LIKE NEW shine every time...and who's more anal than I
??...heck I change my plugs every 7500, I synch my throttles every 7500, my oil w/EAoM filter every 3500, my air filter every 12 months, clean and adjust every 700, c'mon guys I've had a lot of me...."P-L-E-X-U-S"...
coolold.gif endeth the lesson....

While WD-40 works nice, if you dont somehow clean it off, it will only attract dirt again. I use Professional Acrillic enamel reducer or urethane paint reducer. Cleans very nicely, dries fast and is not harsh on the paint or powdercoat that is on your factory wheels. Also works great on getting the tar off of your swingarm...
True, if you use WD-40 (which I do - cheap and effective) you'll need to quickly come back over with Windex, rubbing alcohol, etc. to remove the WD-40 film - very quick and easy though.  Not sure about all the big words BP just used.
No big words Keith.. here, you can get it anywhere.

Clickity Klack
To who this may concern,    Everyone here hit it on the head. WD-40 works great to get the grit off them,plexus,motorex polish and clean works good to wipe them down afterward,and then wax them once and a while so the crap just come's right off the next time.With the motorex you will have to wipe them and then use a clean rag to ge over them again.Spray it on the rag away from the bike to make sure not to get it somewhere you don't want it. I wipe both of our bikes down almost every thie before we go out and wipe the bugs off the front's when we get home the night before.Only takes 15-20 min to do both bike's with doin the wheels too.              ---Mike
Boy you guys do A LOT of work cleaning wheels......


That is all......"THE SPUD" has spoken............

Spray on, the grease will try and smear and end up on the PLEXUS and end up on the rag, what's left will try and do the same, ending up on your rag, and what little is left will end up....ON THE RAG...does that sound funny to anyone
? offense....use a nice soft towel, flipping it inside out'll end up with a LIKE NEW shine every time...and who's more anal than I
??...heck I change my plugs every 7500, I synch my throttles every 7500, my oil w/EAoM filter every 3500, my air filter every 12 months, clean and adjust every 700, c'mon guys I've had a lot of me...."P-L-E-X-U-S"...
coolold.gif endeth the lesson....
you got my vote

+1 on the PLEXUS advice!

And I think it's a lot more fun getting the wheels dirty, than it is to clean them. Lighten up about some lube/dirt on your wheels. Instead of obsessing about dirty wheels, focus on what a good decision you made in getting a 'Busa.