Bent shift rod, and leaking seal


I snapped a chain while drag racing my 02Busa, and when the chain hit it bent my shift rod and damaged the seal, that is inside the cases,  causing a major leak around the seal where the rod goes in, just wondering if anyone knows a quicker fix other than dropping the motor and splitting the cases, to replace the seal
Please Help!
oh yuck, to be honest it wouldnt be a bad idea to drop the motor and inspect for further damage. I'm sure there are shortcuts, but I probably would go that route. Drop the engine dood, you may find out there was more damage than a seal

Actually if you are leaking oil from the gearshift rod, you have probably damaged the rubber seal inside the transmission cover the not the engine. If it was in the engine it still would not leak through the rubber seal in the gearshift cover. Remove the cover and replace the seal and the bearing in it, as well as the rod. That will probably solve your problem, make sure once you place it back on that the pawls are set correctly and that it shifts correctly. You should not have to drop the engine to remove the gearshift cover. Simply remove the sprocket cover and the water pump, the cover, and then get to work on replacing the bad parts
and leaking seal

Man i have the same thing..except i didnt bend a transmission was race cut by Garwood Cycle...and hax ben leaking ever since....and they wont work on my bike last week i took the bike to get it looked at by another bike shop here in north calrolina...and they went in and out new seals around the out put shaft and installed a new spacer aswell..but its still possible my bike is leaking from around the shift seal? give some insight...because right now I am pissed after spending my money...

SFC James Walton
Fort Bragg, North Carolina


It is possilble it is that seal.
You'll have to get down there and wipe it off and watch where it is coming from.
Good Luck!
check the seal behind the sprocket,have seen them pop out and seen shops rip guys off for no reason only to come here and I spend less than a hour fixing it and hasn't leaked since..