Back Again


About a year ago I had a moment of silliness and sold my 2000 Gen 1. Been regretting it ever since. Had a V-Max last summer and it never did anything for me. Last week while looking in the local classifieds on line I came across a black 07 with 8900KM (5000miles) on it. The bike is all stock and still has the original rubber. The bike is pristine condition. We are in the process of selling our house and moving to a bigger one at the end of May so I had everything tied up in the move and sale. The guy selling the bike agreed to hold it for me with a small deposit as he knew how much I wanted the bike. Now I just have to wait till after May 30 when the cash is freed up to get. Unfortunately I don't have a pic but you will just have to believe me. Gonna be a long month.
Awesome! I sold my Gen 1 and bought a Harley, and I'm enjoying it because it's different kind of ride.
Congrats and I am sure you are waiting patiently till the end of the May. :laugh: Congrats on the house purchase too. How about some pics of the new digs?
Here is a link to the You tube video used by the real estate agent. Always wanted a ranch house.

Waiting won't be too bad as I'll be pretty busy getting ready to move. Also the Weather here in Newfoundland is still pretty crappy

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Well finally picked it up on Friday. Only pic so far

07 Busa.jpg
Every spring I say I'm gonna cut the fleet, then I take a Busa blast and can't bring myself to sell it.