anyone have a Genmar 3/4 & a Double Bubble...


Just ordered a Genmar 3/4 riser for my 2002 Busa.....

Was wondering if anyone else is running this riser with the Puig Double Bubble windshield...(I have searched this -- and do know about the fast-idle cable re-routing problem.... I also have my front end lowered 1/2 inch at the tripples which gives me tons of length left in my Spiegler steel braided lines...)

Did you run into any handlebar clearance issues at full lock?
I have 1.25 genmar risers and Puig Double Bubble. No clearance problems, but I did take about 1/2 inch of the sides of the windscreen anyway. I could see myself pinching a thumb or finger in there trying to back up or something.

Cuz I'm a clutz like that.
Yup... I had to trim the bottom of the Puig DB to clear the bars as they went by... I just followed the line of the plastic and taped the DB off and trimmed it.. I also had to rotate the MC a bit to keep from hitting inside the screen as well (helibars also installed on this bike)

if you need pics, let me know
hey..... if you have pics --- post them up!   I'm curious in what you did.

So..... did you have to trim the screen because of the Genmars AND helibars?  

Man --- I'm hoping I won't have to do any cutting!
1.25" plus a Puig DB. Cable was rerouted before I bought my Busa since the previous owner had Heli-Bars. I tried to fit both the Heli-Bars and the Genmar, wasn't happening without taking the brake lines apart. Sold the Heli's.

well -- it sounds as though it may be a close fit, but still do-able without cutting.

I can understand the need to cutting with the taller genmars or the Heli's.....

I'll post up my results.