After Every Ride I use a 20in Fan and Cool it off.


She gets a Blast of Air from a High speed fan to cool her down and help keep the oil from cooking.

Anyone else do this for their Busa?
I guess I'm the exception. Mine goes into an air conditioned garage with a fan too. Mostly for the dog, but I'm sure the busa enjoys it too.
Please stop wasting electricity and purposefully circumventing the intended design of your engines normal cool down cycle by artficially amplifying extranal cool down..hence?... changing the thermal coefficient characteristics of your engines outermost surfaces (which normally cool down the quickest) and that of your engines innermost areas (which typically retain heat the longest) and...

inducing a cool down process regarding vastly differing thermal coefficient deltas between the quick too cool outter surfaces and the deep, heat retaining areas.

I'm a machinist...seen a lot of metal go through heat treat furnaces and long term repeated heat cycles and?...when it comes to large metal objects?...especially those exposed to long term repeated heat cycles?...made of several alloy materials?...."Accelerating Cool Down"...doesn't always turn out to be a such wonderful idea...over the long run.

and imho?...i'd hafta go with "Myth Busted" on this one...sorry..but the way i figure?'s a waste of time, effort and electricity for what may be doing long term harm to your engine..hey..ever heard the old adage...

"Never Pour Water On A Hot Engine To Cool It Down!"

?....any of ya'll ever heard that one ?

I did.

L8R, Bill.
Jeeez Jinkster way to shoot his new mod down
I might do this is i was boosted and putting out 500hp
was gonna post about the same lines as Jinkster. Allow to cool at a normal rate. Kinda like welding but not to the same extreme.
In re:

"Never Pour Water On A Hot Engine To Cool It Down!"

How do we ride in the rain then? My CBX motors would have been ruined years ago if that was such a bad idea.