09 busa


Good evening! I have an 09 busa, my problem is no water circulation in the radiator..new radiator, new thermo sensor, new thermostat...pulled thermostat out refilled radiator get to 1/2 mark on temp and water starts to boil with or without thermostat...I pulled water pump shaft and fins spin...any suggestions
Sorry for the late response, didn't receive any notifications..
Yes the bike was burped,still don't see any water movement (circulation)..Bike has been flushed 6X and still the same..the top small hose that goes to the thermo housing to the top of the radiator has no fluid coming out of it but when I disconnect that hose from the top of the radiator and point it towards the ground water flows out the hose so I believe the water pump isn't working correctly..I pulled the pump opened it and checked the fins and they are intact so maybe the bearing are bad...any suggestions