Bin Laden DEAD

If this was a sudden discovery of his whereabouts how did they have time to build a complete mockup of the place and allow the seals to practice for 'weeks' as has been stated? Im still very skeptical because as I said all of the sudden we care about not inflaming Muslims and gave him a proper within 24 hours burial? At sea?
No body, no pics, just here's a one line that says military officials have confirmed it was him thru DNA testing.
Take it or leave it, from ones who lie to us daily ???

All too convenient...

This is exactly the point I have been making, Blanca. I'd bet my house that they've known where he was for months, have had him under permanent surveillance and Obama has only now taken action as a part of his re-election strategy. And it will work. There are people out there who actually believe that the killing of OBL is all due to the "tireless work" done by Obama, rather than the culmination of a decade-long search started by the previous Administration.

Oh, and to all of those people who cried about terrorists being waterboarded: it was precisely that type of "enhanced interrogation" technique that led to the discovery of OBL's hideout. Osama Bin Laden dead: Courier Sheikh Abu Ahmed led CIA to his Abbottabad compound | Mail Online
Not sure? If it was real I don't think our guys face would be visible as he's spec ops? Also I don't think OBL would be smiling :)

Could be though. Question is though , how old is that pic ???

I think it's fake. It doesn't look quite right. Too..."plasticky", for lack of a better word.
Someone should hang THIS banner on the NYC site...

Are you for real? - That pic has already been seen by a ton of people!

And if it was stolen from the US Government, that makes it right ?

Don't you have another self serving job to do , like making sure members know when a word has been misspelled?
You guys know I've never been much of an Obama fan, but I do believe in giving credit where it's due. While I agree the bulk of the credit goes to the intelligence officers and the actual Seals that carried it out, Obama took a big risk in going in without notifying Pakistan first. This shows me that he can have some guts when it comes down to it. It's been a good couple of weeks for Obama. We've learned he's really an American now compliments of Trump (J/K) and he's not afraid to take some chances for America.

Seriously though, I still disagree with many of his policies, but I do respect him more after today. I really had him pinned as the type that would've said "no the political risk is too great to go in without notifying Pakistan" which would've resulted in them alerting Osama that we were coming and once again he would've been gone. He didn't do that so I'll be the first to say that I stand corrected.

Regardless of our political preference as Americans we should be able to agree that ALL our leaders and our military did well today.

United we stand, divided we fall...

Yes his guts and daring just like sharing his birth certificate recently comes from his deepest desire; to be reelected. Lets not make this thread about this no good.
i thought it was a double tap to the left side of his face??

that pic looks like its on his right side... fake...
This sucks! Even if they do post fifty pics of what's supposed to be him how on earth could we ever verify their authenticity?
Hollywood makes movies and things almost indiscernible from reality so how will we ever really know 'the truth' ?

No matter what our military and Seal team 6 as well as others have made my bed safe to sleep in at night and that's all that really matters to me. My kids snore safe and sound at night so thanks to all here and gone :bowdown:
When I woke up the next morning and saw that we had buried him at sea I immediately thought the same thing. But realistically when you are dealing with these fundamental extremist, providing him a burial ground allows them to come worship him. Not buring him in 24 hours and "disrespecting" muslim culture would cause unwanted American deaths. I am good with "not knowing for sure" as long as that means that at least one less American will die because of it.
I dont ever want to see this again!!!!!

Based on what I know at this time, I agree with the disposal of UBL