Powell Endorses Obama - Implications


While I can’t say there ISN’T any racism in our military. In my experience if it does exists it is in the real junior ranks (normally and at this time in our history. racism is fortunately fading quickly in our armed forces).

People, trust me, when you get to the level of General you have far more important things to be concenred with than what the skin color of someone is.

+1 on that. While I didn't make it near that high, my personal experience was that I didn't care if you were black, white, pink, yellow, purple - All I cared about was ARMY GREEN and you had the right attitude.
And even though I don't know him personally, Colin Powell is a man of too much integrity to be racially motivated or motivated by potential gain.


I disagree. Yes, he has done great things. I can agree on that. No, he is not racist

However, he was plucked from the ranks and promoted by Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43.

He demands a private jet and 150 grand up front for speaking engagements. He lives in a nice Virgina estate. Yes, he has done well. He is a sharp knife.

He always wanted a Conservative Republican in the White House. He has one running but stuck that sharp knife in McCains back.

He is in it for personal and political gain. The interview was a sham with some of his comments. "Obama will be a good President". Pardon me Colin. Did you mean could be?

Would like to say "it's just me" but the blogs and conservative radio agree with me. There picking this interview apart at the seams as it should be.

Waaa waaa waaa, sour grapes. Even when you have a respected Republican endorse Obama you still won't concede a thing. He only did it for economic and political gain... You're a funny guy r8!:rofl:
Waaa waaa waaa, sour grapes. Even when you have a respected Republican endorse Obama you still won't concede a thing. He only did it for economic and political gain... You're a funny guy r8!:rofl:

Will see won't we.

Exactly! Obama stated he previously negotiated a position for Powell in his administration which makes the "all of a sudden" support statement from Powell questionable. Of course Powell is going to say what sounds best politically for his explanation of support as he's already negotiated a position with the guy.

yep it was time to roll out Powell, the polls are swinging one more time and there is a dead heat in the race now with just a couple more weeks to go

with all the money and allies Obama has had in the media he should have a 15 point lead by now but he dont...thats cause those who are on the fence at this late juncture are ultimately not going to vote for Obama, many are coming to the realization that Obama is going to finacially destroy the country and encourge our enemies to press on in there fight against America
And even though I don't know him personally, Colin Powell is a man of too much integrity to be racially motivated or motivated by potential gain.


I disagree. Yes, he has done great things. I can agree on that. No, he is not racist

However, he was plucked from the ranks and promoted by Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43.

He demands a private jet and 150 grand up front for speaking engagements. He lives in a nice Virgina estate. Yes, he has done well. He is a sharp knife.

He always wanted a Conservative Republican in the White House. He has one running but stuck that sharp knife in McCains back.

He is in it for personal and political gain. The interview was a sham with some of his comments. "Obama will be a good President". Pardon me Colin. Did you mean could be?

Would like to say "it's just me" but the blogs and conservative radio agree with me. There picking this interview apart at the seams as it should be.


Is it so improbable that he just doesn't agree with McCain?

Is it really that hard to take his statements at face value?
yep it was time to roll out Powell, the polls are swinging one more time and there is a dead heat in the race now with just a couple more weeks to go

with all the money and allies Obama has had in the media he should have a 15 point lead by now but he dont...thats cause those who are on the fence at this late juncture are ultimately not going to vote for Obama, many are coming to the realization that Obama is going to finacially destroy the country and encourge our enemies to press on in there fight against America

Nearly every independent poll shows the Democratic ticket ahead of the Republican ticket, the numbers range anywhere from 5 to 12 points. Obama's support with independent voters has been consistently going up and Palin's numbers are falling even within her own party, she's also costing McCain valuable newspaper endorsements. McCain had a terrible weekend, more medical questions about his readiness came out, and Palin's appearance on Saturday Night Live was almost as disastrous as anything else she's said. Colorado has been all but taken off the "red state" map, and with the McCain campaign worried about Iowa and New Mexico he's banking on a comeback in Pennsylvania where we haven't supported a Republican presidential candidate for more than twenty years. Yeah, that sounds an awful lot like a "dead heat" to me. Sure does, you betcha.

So...according to you, the Democrats lost the election because they're not FAR ENOUGH ahead...two weeks before the election?

Your logic is brilliant.
Guys, as far as race goes, I knew this would be introduced as an issue. I believe General Powell justified his position in his statement that accompanied the endorsement, and race was not a factor.

Personally, if I beleived in John McCain, I would hav eno problem voting for him over Obama. I know many of you think that I am racially motivated, and I can say that you are wrong. There is a handfull of black political figures that couldn't get a vote from me if there livelihood depended on it ...... i.e. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson Lee, just to name a few. These people have proven themselves to be opportunists time and time again, so I have no use for them or their agendas.

In everything give Obama a chance, a fair chance.

And even though I don't know him personally, Colin Powell is a man of too much integrity to be racially motivated or motivated by potential gain.

What would be worng with Obama utilizing Colin Powell for advice or guidance? WE ALL agree that Colin Powell has significant credentials. What is so wrong with someone trying to surround themselves with people of knowledge and integrity? I think that is a true measurement of a man of humility, knowing when you need someone around you with a better knowledge of a certain subject than yourself.

I am sure he would seek guidance from Condeleeza Rice as well.

I am not someone that like to discuss religion or politics over the internet, but after reading some of the posts I can't say I have seen eye to eye with you on many subjects, not that i or you are right or wrong in the grand scheme of things but your comment "And even though I don't know him personally, Colin Powell is a man of too much integrity to be racially motivated or motivated by potential gain." I completely agree!! Even if he was offered a position. Honestly if that was true and he joined Obama's cabinet, it could sway my vote possibly.
I am one who believes in the individual and not the party. I am not a republican or a democrat. I have voted for individuals in the past. I work hard just like all other Americans. I never recieved welfare or depended on the government for any type of assistance to survive. My wife and I make way less than $250,000 a year. I am making payments on one home that I am purchasing. Not yet a homeowner. I own the loan. I also own two vehicles and my Busa. I am a bluecollar shift-worker who works 12-hour days and nights. My wife teaches high school. I pay my taxes every year. I don't owe the IRS.
With that being said, I have seen the many views of the people on these threads. I agree with some and disagree with others. What I can say to you is you have to look at all these things with truth. The truth that I see with my eyes is the fact that this country is in deep trouble. I am looking for a leader who is going to get this country out of this mess.
Now from a campaign stand point, I feel like the GOP has really not said anything of evidence other than attack Barack Obama. That makes up for 90 percent of their speeches. I have yet to see any substance at all. All the Mccain camp has talked about was terrorism, Ayers, and the real Barack Obama. What is John Mccain going to do for those who live like I do? Where are his policies? Barack Obama has given a plan and now they call it socialism.
I have seen nothing but lies come from the Mccain camp. They are making fools of themselves when they are on TV. Even though many political anylist have showed time and again that the Mccain camp was wrong about Obama's policies, they still repeat lie after lie. These are some of the many reasons why I can not and will not vote for a Mccain/Palin ticket. And as far as Sara Palin is concerned, Her and her husband were and probably still are a member of the group who want to remove Alaska from the United States as lately as 2007. Is anybody looking at this? And what about Mccain and the Keating incident back in the late eighties? (The deregulator)
Now as for General Powell's support for Barack Obama. Does it really matter why he endoreses him. Many people saw the interview yesterday and heard the man on his reasons. Well lets look deep down into the reasons why we are voting for who we are voting for. Some can say that they will vote for Obama because he is black. Others can say they won't vote for him because he is black. Some can say they are voting for Mccain because he is white and they don't want a black man running the country. Others can say they are voting for Mccain because his the better candidate. Regardless of any reasons, deep down inside all of us are pulling the race card in some fashion.
So if that is what Powell is doing, well that is him. Who cares. We had eight years or democratic presidency and eight years of republican presidency. I do know that I for one prefered the democratic presidency as far as economy was concerned. Some may agree or disagree. I know as for me, I do not want four more years of the last eight because that is the only thing that John Mccain has showed me in this race. We live in America and we have the freedom to support who we wish to. Myself, I will be voting for Obama this time. John Mccain can never understand me and my family. Oh yeah, if you are supporting him and your net worth is less than $5,000,000, then he is not for you any way. lets see the truth for ourselves and not the lies that the reporters spread. And to those who are undecided and are waiting on views on the issues, visit the candidates websites. They tell you all about them and their views. I refuse to get hung out to dry like I did eight years ago.

Study people, study!!
Nearly every independent poll shows the Democratic ticket ahead of the Republican ticket, the numbers range anywhere from 5 to 12 points. Obama's support with independent voters has been consistently going up and Palin's numbers are falling even within her own party, she's also costing McCain valuable newspaper endorsements. McCain had a terrible weekend, more medical questions about his readiness came out, and Palin's appearance on Saturday Night Live was almost as disastrous as anything else she's said. Colorado has been all but taken off the "red state" map, and with the McCain campaign worried about Iowa and New Mexico he's banking on a comeback in Pennsylvania where we haven't supported a Republican presidential candidate for more than twenty years. Yeah, that sounds an awful lot like a "dead heat" to me. Sure does, you betcha.

So...according to you, the Democrats lost the election because they're not FAR ENOUGH ahead...two weeks before the election?

Your logic is brilliant.

:laugh: ok, well, i guess you have your polls and i have mine then...im not sure where saturday night live comes into play but with the left i guess there an importantant source of info for decieding the election

your so called 5 to 12 points wasent reflected on th zogby today...your independent polls have been oversampling the dems as usual but like i said before, with all the amunition on Obamas side he should be ahead by a much larger margine and hes not ...funny you said that independent voters are for obama and the valuable newspaper edorsements are being lost because of Palin:rofl:..does anyone read the newspaper anymore these days? their readership is on the major decline as well as the mainstream media...Brilliant!:thumbsup:
Reuters/C-Span/Zogby for 10/20:

Obama - 273
McCain - 163

Obama - 50% (Up from 48%)
McCain - 44% (Down from 45%)

If you do the math you'll find that 6 is actually "between 5 and 12."

Why do independent polls only "over sample" the Democrats when the Republicans are behind?

Newspaper readership may be declining, but to suggest that they don't still hold the attention of millions of people is a fallacy. Circulation numbers may be trending downward but the print media still reaches and influences a countless number of people every day.
You better worry about yourself Boss, you're not a bookie are you?:laugh: You're going to have enough economic problems come November 4th, what with your new performance award to pay along with my C note. BTW, I'll PM my address because if you haven't been over here yet, you're not likely to ride down here just to pay me...:rofl: Oh, is Paypal OK?
You better worry about yourself Boss, you're not a bookie are you?:laugh: You're going to have enough economic problems come November 4th, what with your new performance award to pay along with my C note. BTW, I'll PM my address because if you haven't been over here yet, you're not likely to ride down here just to pay me...:rofl: Oh, is Paypal OK?

Come Nov 4th PAYPAL Will Be Fine :thumbsup: PM: Me and I will give you My Paypal Address........ I would Rather Ride with you and Enjoy Your Neck of the Woods but I Understand........When OBLAMA Loses :beerchug: It might be a Little to MUCH for You :banghead: You Might Need time to Recover From such a Devistating Lose :D
Interesting to note that the last person Powell endorsed for POTUS apparently turned out to be the worst one ever by some people's standards.
Come Nov 4th PAYPAL Will Be Fine :thumbsup: PM: Me and I will give you My Paypal Address........ I would Rather Ride with you and Enjoy Your Neck of the Woods but I Understand........When OBLAMA Loses :beerchug: It might be a Little to MUCH for You :banghead: You Might Need time to Recover From such a Devistating Lose :D
Careful Boss, Obama is looking mighty strong and its starting to look as if republicans have screwed this one up. But we will see.
Don't count your Chickens before they hatch, you may be eating crow when this is over. Go Obama.