The untold story of Jan 6th.

Hi. If lets say the left is totalartorianthen lets say the right should do everything to bring it back for the people and freedom.
The right is no better...they breed dictators and tyrants just the same.....

It's a good thing the majority of people are neutral with either a slight left or right lean.....get too far over and we as motorcyclists know what can happen.....we fall over and hit the pavement....
Michael, turn the spell check on will ya?
Duck Dynasty GIF by DefyTV
It's a good thing the majority of people are neutral with either a slight left or right lean.....get too far over and we as motorcyclists know what can happen.....we fall over and hit the pavement....
Agree with the first part, as for the second, not if you keep your speed up :D
man, look at where this tread started and how many changes its been through. We all (me included) are letting ourself pulled in to differences on world views that doesn't even mather, who cares what one other believes, if i want to believe in smurfs that steal your screws when working on your bike and these f-kers take that screw so you cant find it no more....who cares, its my believe and thats what makes us al unique, the fact that nobody can deny is that politics and politicians lie, and they can litarly get away with murder while we get fined for driving 2 miles over a speed limit, see how many folks from different countrys are affraid to wreck poop off there bikes that make them run like poop? Why....its the LAW, we need to remember that every politician, lawmaker is working for us, there public servants, paid by your money/fruits of your you go tell your boss what to do and demand him to give you more and more cash each month......see how that works out. But our own employers(public servants), we're litarly affraid to even point out there unfair behaviour. There is no right or left or even midlle, there is them and us, and they are all in verry well paid position of "power"from your energy that you put in your labour. Goverments dont create, look at history, they destroty, and we are all in the same s...t and can clearly see that everything our parent/grandparent and so on fought and build....its coming down and its coming down hard. I know for a fact that none of you here ever started a war with another country and sended young kids to die, i also know for a fact that none of you caused inflation, and we all could have known the outcome off shutting down the entire world with lotts of stores....just 2 weeks to flaten the curf. And now we see the results, inflation, stores and others that cant survive anymore, tentcity's growing, foodstamps......come on guys, stop the fighting, lets bound for once in our lifetime, sh.t is going down, and when it does, we need to be able to help eachother instead of destroying ourselfs.
man, look at where this tread started and how many changes its been through. We all (me included) are letting ourself pulled in to differences on world views that doesn't even mather, who cares what one other believes, if i want to believe in smurfs that steal your screws when working on your bike and these f-kers take that screw so you cant find it no more....who cares, its my believe and thats what makes us al unique, the fact that nobody can deny is that politics and politicians lie, and they can litarly get away with murder while we get fined for driving 2 miles over a speed limit, see how many folks from different countrys are affraid to wreck poop off there bikes that make them run like poop? Why....its the LAW, we need to remember that every politician, lawmaker is working for us, there public servants, paid by your money/fruits of your you go tell your boss what to do and demand him to give you more and more cash each month......see how that works out. But our own employers(public servants), we're litarly affraid to even point out there unfair behaviour. There is no right or left or even midlle, there is them and us, and they are all in verry well paid position of "power"from your energy that you put in your labour. Goverments dont create, look at history, they destroty, and we are all in the same s...t and can clearly see that everything our parent/grandparent and so on fought and build....its coming down and its coming down hard. I know for a fact that none of you here ever started a war with another country and sended young kids to die, i also know for a fact that none of you caused inflation, and we all could have known the outcome off shutting down the entire world with lotts of stores....just 2 weeks to flaten the curf. And now we see the results, inflation, stores and others that cant survive anymore, tentcity's growing, foodstamps......come on guys, stop the fighting, lets bound for once in our lifetime, sh.t is going down, and when it does, we need to be able to help eachother instead of destroying ourselfs.
Here we are on a forum with different ideologies, religions, cultures and yet we can all get along.....we might have differing opinions and get passionate about those opinions but we seems to gravitate to a peaceful or at least a neutral solution...

The same can't be said of the world at large where hatred runs deep and is generational which is the hardest cycle to break.

What I don't get are all the help wanted signs around and yet nobody wants to work.....I don't know how they survive with the economy what it is today.....there are school bus routes with no drivers so parents have to drive their kids to school, and they just can't seem to get bus drivers.....and it seems this is a trend in many other places. Store hours are reduced and services are cut due to lack of staff.


.............and I 100% agree that the sacrifices of past generations who fought and died for their countries are quickly being altering events are being overshadowed by more current events and it seems that Nov 11th Remembrance Day is getting less and less attention.

The people of Holland impress me as they have never forgotten, it must be generationally passed down because even the younger people are very kind and appreciative of our soldiers when ever we go there to work with the Dutch military.