New Mirrors Roaring toyz

Why is one mounted up and the other down, is that the way they are designed ???

Thats what I thought when I purchased them but if you look at the first post mine were not the only ones like that.

I guess they are cheaply made and the vibration broke them???
nice looking but to bad they made the bracket up side down on the right mirror the company made all the bracket for right side looks like bolt might fall out :banghead:

They are mounted wrong . . . put the allen up on BOTH sides, and they will look fine . . .:rulez:
I like them but its kinda cheesy that the mount is not fliped on the opposite side
Here's mine!:laugh:

I guess I am a force of one here, but I think they're absolutely dire! They might be passable on a more feminine and elegant bike, but the Busa is a brute: undeniably and unashamably male. It is to motorbikes what a pit bull is to canines!

Putting these mirrors on this bike is doing your best to make it look like a poodle.