Hayabusa Owners Group

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Long Island guys

Is it ever gonna stop raining here? I need my fix.

I'm available for sundays as long as I know a few days in advanced.
Hey guys. Add Red Creek Road in Hampton Bays to the ride. It's a decent road with a few good turns. Road has some imperfections to negotiate, is short and has traffic, cross streets, and houses, but this IS Long Island. Still looking!
How about July 8th or 9th? Gonna need an early start. Traffic will be horrendous!
Hey PD..I think you all need to make a pilgrimage out west and join us for our Oregon run July 15,16, & 17th.

I'll even let you borrow my gloves!!!
should be able to pull somthing together with that much notice , how long of a drive to oregon?
MJN, would love to make the trek. I'll actually be in Indiana the 15th and 16th. With kids, sans Busa
One day I will make it out to the left coast onboard the Bullet.

John, you better read the map before next trip.... Let's see, Oregon... we would have to go... northwest... right?

John...JOHN... would you wake up please, I think we are in Mexico...  And why are 2Quik and BusaBabby following us blindly?

When it's not raining, I'm working...

Hoping for a weekday ride soon. Anybody else work shifts and available during week?
John has found a 70 or so mile ride that runs the Palisades and into Bear Mtn. Just looking for a date to do it. July 8,9,15,16,22,23,29,30. Anybody? John, what's best for you?
Also have those days off if anybody is interested in local LI riding. Actually I swindled most of July off, but will be out of town 10-17.

This thread has been much too quiet! I don't get out of the .Org Time Out Corner much, but I'm still trying for parole...

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hey whats goin on ! bike/car show bald hill tuesday 6 pm till 11 pm nights realy good turnout lots of bikes ! also friday nights heard of the same deal at a train staition in nassau county. so if you are interested in any of those let me know ill be hittin the bald hill posibly next week ? i have been seein lots of busas in my area ? dont know where they are all coming from ? but theres at least 6 local busas that ive seen on a regular basis , been cruisin through port jeff sat nites and weekdays nights seen a few different ones down there also !

on a side note been out tearin off my chicken strips triin to figure out this whole turning thing , found some realy quiet clover leafs and a couple quite rounds ! nice turns where you can get leaned over quite a bit , with no trees or mountains on the side !
just grass and asphalt ! kinda boring but , good practice in a semi controlled enviroment !
July 8th. A run up the Palisades and around Bear Mountain area. Who is in?
If you have access to that route you had, send it to Mark. Seeing as he is from those parts... kind of, see what he thinks. What site did you get route from? I'll d-load and print. But bring a compass grasshoppa!

If Jen goes is there a chance she might borrow your rear Tobin for a bit? Really not sure how long she'll be able to hang. How long of a round trip you think we are looking at?
Jen isn't sure if she will be joining us. She stills wants more seat time before embarking on a moderately sized road trip.

Looks like it's just you and I from the Island and Mark & Linda so far.

I have possibly found theroad here... More afterI do a recon run!
sounds good ill be checkin out a road that runs into asharoken this week if the weather ever breaks ? let me know how the recon goes ,and as far as jen goes you have the whole month of and we arnt leavin till the 8th , you should be able to do a couple thousand miles in that time ?
sounds good ill be checkin out a road that runs into asharoken this week if the weather ever breaks ? let me know how the recon goes ,and as far as jen goes you have the whole month of and we arnt leavin till the 8th , you should be able to do a couple thousand miles in that time ?
Whole month? Brother it's the 25th of June already.
hey timduck posted up interest in the ride in the ct section , also camaroguy72
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