you gotta be kiddin me

Since it's a criminal proceeding, it could easily turn into a serious problem for Wally World if they don't respond.


Would this be a civil matter and not criminal? I am not a lawyer and am not trying to piss you off, just thought that a minor traffic accident would not be considered criminal.
Would this be a civil matter and not criminal? I am not a lawyer and am not trying to piss you off, just thought that a minor traffic accident would not be considered criminal.

Traffic violations are considered criminal offenses. Most of the time, they are mere infractions or misdemeanors but they are criminal proceedings nevertheless.

A subpoena is merely a device that you can use to collect evidence during the discovery process. If the court authorizes your subpoena and Wally World ignores it, they are guilty of contempt of court and they can be fined for it. I don't remember the exact mechanics of it but subpoenas, although requested by you, are issued by the court. Similar to how a search warrant is issued.

Sounds like you need a lawyer, though. I am not a lawyer but I'd play one on T.V. if I could get THAT job. :D

:thumbsup::thumbsup: To bad about him loosing his job over it, but if he didn't want to do anything he shoulda done just that, nothing, instead of giving one person a ticket
:thumbsup: good job, kinda harsh losing your job, glad you helped him, hope he knows that you did.
He knows I got his job back and now he knows I'm a nice guy. Kinda helped that the chief loves my busa and is gonna get one too.