Whos Busa is this?!?

Dayyyyyyyuuuuuuuum Big -Train!!!!!!! U aint no Joke Playa !   I appreciate how you Playaz came st8 to the plate on a brotha behalf.  Waterbug and U  would make  good board Moderators:p .  Also gotta give a shoutout  to "Quazy" azz rabbit for diggn up the dirt. Good lQQkn out Quazy.
Bravo Zulu..............
I e-mailed all the bidders so he couldn't scam any of the others somehow. Nice Goin' guys watch out for our fellow members and future members alike. I welcomed all the bidders to look for themselves on the board and told them where it was. I'd like to beat that dudes #@#^%$%& , I hate a thief!!!!!! [/QUOTE]

Dayyyyyyum!!! You guyz are on his azz like a Pit Bull.. :super:

Makes me skeerd to buy anything.[/QUOTE]

I feel ya on that one G.
Yeah I wrote a detailed letter to e-bays fraud reporting dept.  Don't know if it will do anything but it looks like KS and I were there about the same time.  Hopefully it will get pulled...

Picking at the bones man, that Sheeaat aint right.  Pisses me off...

Sweet Bug, Thanks For the update...Just saw your post...Hell all we gotta do is put a "Bug In their ear" Heh :alcoholic:
Quazy azzzzzz rabbit gotz ur bak! :beerchug:
One thing that I cannot stand is a THEIF. And I especially hate when a theif messes with a fellow busa owner or someone I know. Glad I could help ya out buddy.
Dayyyyyyyuuuuuuuum Big -Train!!!!!!! U aint no Joke Playa !   I appreciate how you Playaz came st8 to the plate on a brotha behalf.  Waterbug and U  would make  good board Moderators:p .  Also gotta give a shoutout  to "Quazy" azz rabbit for diggn up the dirt. Good lQQkn out Quazy.  
Bravo Zulu..............
No problem, brah. Just lookin' out for the good folks. I've done the moderator thing before on a car site. Wouldn't mind helpin' out if it was needed here. In fact I thought about seeing if cappy was interested in opening up a new bike detailing forum on the board. I'd gladly run it and help out folks who had questions about painting or detailing. That's my two areas of expertise.   ;)
:laugh: Here's the email the little fart sent me in regards to me confronting him on using my photoz on Ebay. I bet his azz aint laugh'n now. Thanks to you all

Subj: Re: Question for seller -- Item #2428836986
Date: 8/20/2003 1008 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: john callahan <jtccafe@yahoo.com>
To: set517@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)

You make me laugh.How can you say that since the bike is mine ...so go somewhere else to bother others.


set517@aol.com wrote:
This is a photo of my bike Mr. CACJTC

Question from: set9638
Title of item: Suzuki : Hayabusa GSX1300R
Seller: cacjtc
Starts: Aug-19-03 17:52:30 PDT
Ends: Aug-22-03 17:52:30 PDT
Price: Currently $2,244.84
To view the item, go to: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymot....8836986

Visit eBay, The World's Online Marketplace TM at http://www.ebay.com/ebaymotors

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