What WOULD J35U5 do?


Donating Member
...so... I'm heading down the street to the local Amaco to fill up and check tire pressures for a 40 minute ride down south to meet a friend since here in Iowa it was 70 degrees, and I took a half day off just to catchup and do some quality riding, I'm all leathered up [inhale], as I'm pulling into the station, out of the corner of my super observant motorcyclist perifrial vision, I notice another biker sitting out front with a map stretched open wide in front of him. Hmm. Okay. I pull up the the pump, look down and see a set of keys laying in the middle of the lane. Dismount, I scoop up the keys start to walk inside to give to station attendant.... DING! brain working.... doubtful a cager could have dropped keys in CENTER of lane under car at pump... I flip the keys over and the plastic emblem says "Harley Davidson" ... another DING!... hmmmm..... I go over to the other cyclist, "are these yours"? He reaches for his pocket "Yes! They are. thanks!" and he kisses me. No, I made that part up just to mess with you. "Say, do you know where 'Beach Girls' is?" he asks. Beach Girls = nudie bar [sadly] Yes I do know where it is[FYI I've never been in there]. I give him the simple version of how to get there easily and we part. I stop and think... run back... "Hey, it's sort of on my way out of town [if I alter my route], just follow me out and I'll split off at the interstate... it's a half mile past there on the left." He rolls up next to me, and the pump and says "I don't think I'll be able to keep up with THAT!" I said, "No, no man, I'm just cruising today. It'll be fine."

At the first stop light I yell "Visiting from out of town?" [locals know where Beach Girls is at, and don't use maps"
He says, "Yes I just rode in from Ohama". Wow! Think about that for a second.... wouldn't it suck to loose your keys 2 hours away and have NO CLUE where they went or who has them?? Many call these things coincidences, I call it miraculous. So, I did the christian thing to do, gave him back his keys and then lead the way to the nudie bar.... hahahahaha... I peeled off at my exit, honked and waved him toward boobies, he waved back, and thus ends the tale of me doing what I can to unite all cyclists in love and harmony. He seemed like a nice guy, and it's always cool to hook up and ride a bit with a total stranger. I doubt Jesus would have led him to the nudie bar, but, hey, I still made a positive impression for the Busa crew. :)

- The End
very nice, I am proud of u lol.... your even, you made up for showing him the boobs by bein nice and given his keys back. so its all good. and dont we all know how horrible it is to lose yer keys.....

Good work. Makes you feel better at the end of the day, and he'll never forget the sportbike guy that gave him his keys when he's talking to his Harley buddies. They'll start their trash talkin' and he'll be the one to go, "...yeah, but I met this guy once, and..."

If you were really nice, you would have taken him into the bar and hung for a bit...

Sometimes you gotta take one for the team!

jk   ( ;

Good job bro!  Share the love everytime you get the chance.

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Jesus would be a fan of Nudie Bars...  The shame and guilt built around the Human body in the Bible, was written in by evil men with small penisis trying to keep their women in the house so these small dicked creeps could feel superior...

Besides if God Didn't Love Hootie Hoos, they would'nt be nearly as powerful as they are...   :bowdown: Hootie HOOs!!!  :bowdown:

Ah some days they are the only reason to go to the Mall!!

Anyway...Good work WWJD...
Jesus would be a fan of Nudie Bars...  The shame and guilt built around the Human body in the Bible, was written in by evil men with small penisis trying to keep their women in the house so these small dicked creeps could feel superior...

Besides if God Didn't Love Hootie Hoos, they would'nt be nearly as powerful as they are...   :bowdown: Hootie HOOs!!!  :bowdown:

Ah some days they are the only reason to go to the Mall!!

Anyway...Good work WWJD...
Rev, I'm with you dude! :laugh:

I love Hootie Hoos!! You did a good thing WWJD, just think of the happiness you brought to a fellow biker.

HOOTIE HOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya know, the TOPIC here was helping a fellow biker, NOT jugs... but ah well, we know where the REAL focus takes us, huh? hahahahha
Busagod, I'll ask to NOT post pics of my girlfriends without expressed written permission thank you ;)
Well I guess I am not the only one....

I have been a total blouse scout ever since I can remember. In Hootie Hoo's we trust.

Cannot put my finger on it...but lemme just say that I LOVE ladies on mountain bikes on warm spring days while walking around Campus...
The Shoe Department at Dillards, or any mall shoe store.
Hell, the Mall...
The Beach,
Getting a hair cut...Find the right one, and allways get your hair washed...

Grocery stores, on and on... If it wasn't for Hootie Hoo's I wouldn't have a reason to leave the house.

BUT, FAKE Hootie's are the bane of my existance...I hate em' I hate em on stippers and Grandma's I don't get it, they just irritate the hell out of me... UNLESS there was a valid problem with the ones nature gave em. And no fake D's or DD's, those bolt on floatation devices are the worst.
Shoe department??? Bahahahhahahahhaa!!! interesting..
I have NO fetishes, but recently discovered my limits of shopping with women in a shoe department. Ater about an hour of sitting around watching great women trying on heels, making them look hotter, seeing the legs, and usual women of decent style are the ones most shopping for shoes..... it was like a live Victoria's Secret parading around in fron of my, so after an hour, I had to just leave. Couldn't stand the bombardment any longer!
Um What I meant was that the above mentioned places are all excellent places to do some Ocular Blouse exploring...  Shoe store ya know, ladies leaning WAY over to check out their feet... Sitting pulling shoes on etc...  Yeah I'm not horribly into feet or anything wierd like that, I was just laying out where one can go for good Hootie Hoo Hunting...  In a Non-perverted, family oriented?, legal sorta way...  
  But I did fail to get to my point in my above post....imagine that...

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I like pulling up to the local highschool on the busa in full leather, around 2:55 and checking the bike out like something ain't working right, near where the cheerleaders are practicing, and then start looking around like I'm lost and have to ask someone nearby how to get to the nearest flower shop for a "girl I know"...
.... well, it's just an idea, I've never done it, no really, I haven't!!!! serious