Traded in Buell M2 Cyclone for a Hayabusa


<span style='color:darkblue'></span>Hey Guys, I just traded in my 2000 Buell M2 Cyclone for a 2005 Hayabusa. I can't believe the difference. When I first started riding the Busa, I found myself shifting way before I should have . As you probably know, the Buell's redline is right around the warm up rev of the Busa, lol.. It is a lot more comfortable than my Buell also. There are a lot of guys I know that kept telling me how uncomfortable the sport bikes are. I don't know what sport bike those guys were riding or sitting on, but they didn't know what the hell they were talking about. I can't believe how fast the Busa hits triple digits either, WOW.
Anyone live in the St Paul area ?
Thats all for now, very cool site!
Congrats on your new bike

...welcome to the board m8
...when do we get to see some pictures of your new ride
Congrats and welcome, would like to see pics of BOTH bikes when you can.:)
Welcome to the board and congrats on the new bike! Let's see pics!
Sorry, double post! Did I say post up pics!

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