TopGun undertail warning


It looks awesome and I love it, but.....

It has wiring issues....
The inside storage compartment on the stock tail has a wall that seperates the wiring from the storage area. The TopGun doesn't. That leads to issues. I have stuffed somethings in there that have broken the wire connections loose. As a result I no longer carry anything in the trunk. Both my brothers have one and they have not experienced the same problem, but they too don't carry anything in their trunk. I have soldered the wires and still occasionally experience problems. I now use the hump for storage instead. A lot of guys complain they have trouble seeing my lights especially during the day. The LED brake lights are also a bad design and are not easy to get a hold of. They are a modified version of a long stock LED that they shorten to fit under the lense.

I hope this info helps. Just be prepared to have some issues till you figure it out.

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I just got mine on the bike a couple of days ago. You might try putting a piece of foam in the back where the wires are. I haven't done it yet, but I may look into it. The paint on mine isn't a perfect match for my black/grey '03. I decided to keep it anyway, since it took so long to get here. It's close enough.
Another problem I have experienced as have other TopGun users - the turn signal covers sometimes melt completely out of the undertail. So you lose your turn signals and have a big open hole or two in your undertail. It looks like crap
If hotbodies would just make a tail for a Busa that resembled the 03' 1000 style, and retained the stock brake lense Im pretty sure alot of people would buy them. I called numerous times and gotten the run-around.
I made a new rear wall for mine out of aluminum.It was really simple.I have had the same complaints about my turn signals as well,I may add a couple flush-mounts.Haven't had any trouble with the LEDs-guess it would be a good idea to track down a couple spares before they are needed.I love the topgun on my bike-it was scary hacking the plastic on a brand new bike,but it was worth it.

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I like the HUGE Inc tail but I keep emailing them tell them to send me info about the ones they have for the busa but I never get any reply.
There is a top gun undertail version that keeps the stock light assembly. Its just put in upside down so the lic plate light is inside the plastics. Kinda resembles a shark look.

A simple solution has been mentioned. I took some tool box drawer liner material and layed it along the bottom of the trunk and up the back seperating the wires from the trunk. (foam wedged in works too). The liner keeps everything from sliding around. It also keeps little things from going down into the driver seat area.

Get a small shaving style bag to keep under the seat and put stuff in it. Then you wont have to worry. The reason for the melting is that the bulbs/sockets werent seated firmly which caused them to vibrate and arc. Overheating then melting. It had to be happening for a good amount of time to melt out the entire assembly. Never had any problems.

hmmm got any pics of the topgun with stock assembly?
thx....hmmm I don't think I like the topgun with the stock assembly..
Another problem I have experienced as have other TopGun users - the turn signal covers sometimes melt completely out of the undertail.  So you lose your turn signals and have a big open hole or two in your undertail.  It looks like crap [/QUOTE]

I talked to Silvio at Allied Barter about this, and he said they now addressed the problem and all the new ones come with metal turn signal covers (however they do that).  I went ahead and bought one because I can't find anything else out there that I like as much.  I bought some clear front turn signals from him also.

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Busa429 - can you post a picture of these new turn signals when it comes in? I would buy another if this problem were addressed in a sufficient manner. Thanks
Busa429 - can you post a picture of these new turn signals when it comes in? [/QUOTE]

No problem maoz.

I just ordered it yesterday, so it'll be a few weeks before I get it. I'll post them on this thread.
I did two things to address the lighting problems on my undertail. First I went to Home Depot and bought a piece of 2" od PCV pipe and made a spacer about 1/2" long to go under the brake light lenses. I used a dremel tool to shape them. This gives the extra space to use the good LED lamps, you know the bright ones. This makes a big difference. They are much brighter than the stock bulbs and better quality all around. I run the clear lenses on mine. Next I also run the 4 LED bulbs in the turn signals which are very cool producing no heat. These mods allow the light to remain in the tail section which gives the desired look. I have about 12,000 miles on them and they work great.

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