
i have heard reports that range from 6-9 women have come out, and said they were banging tiger.....

it seems that the more there are, the more clinton he appears.....
who cares?...lots of people care.

there is nothing private when you hold yourself out as a public figure.....

nobody forced him to take all that money, and be the spokeman for those companies.

you cannot have it both ways, you cannot make millions on your squeaky clean image, flash that beautiful smile and ask people to trust you.......

then tell everybody to "respect our privacy" when you make a horrendous life altering decision.

He plays golf, he's not a politician and does not hold a position of public trust, he can lie to us all he wants and is not expected to be accountable to anyone outside of his Wife because he's just and entertainer.

Besides his target audience will see no problem with a little on the side, the rich corporate types have ladies all over the place and have been cheating on wives for decades, this just makes him one of the boys, hell they probably will pull him aside and teach him how to do it better:laugh:
He plays golf, he's not a politician and does not hold a position of public trust, he can lie to us all he wants and is not expected to be accountable to anyone outside of his Wife because he's just and entertainer.

Besides his target audience will see no problem with a little on the side, the rich corporate types have ladies all over the place and have been cheating on wives for decades, this just makes him one of the boys, hell they probably will pull him aside and teach him how to do it better:laugh:

STop it, just STOP IT...stop taking right and wrong and morality as blahsay. No he is not
a politician but he is in the public eye and regardless ALL OF US should have a sense of
morality, and just plain right and wrong.

And stop pointing the finger at others possibly doing the same thing as an
excuse for unacceptable behaivior.

"We" have this attitude and we wonder why women have 8 kids with 8 different men,
why 15...or 13 years olds are having kids of their own. We wonder why everyone
we know, including ourselves is divorced. Our politicians cheat and lie...
well, they're just a slice of society, why should they different?
We even had a President (who should be an example and set the standard)
have a cigar/sex scandle INSIDE the oval office with an employee and get away
with it. Was it first time, probably not BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT.

As far as Tiger goes, I don't really care one way or the other but...DO NOT
He has disgraced his marriage, his wife and kids. Another guy who has too much and wants more. It's never ending. Hey maybe YOU could explain ONE indescretion but SIX. Come on....he's like a sailor (no offense to the Navy) a girl in every port only this time it's a girl in every bar, every nightclub, restaurant etc.

I hope his wife walks away with his millions. She needs to look after the kids and move on. Obviously marriage vows aren't important to him. It just pisses me off when these guys pass themselves off as squeaky clean. Remember the Govenor of what was it Massechusetts or something banging that call girl ? No character, no values, no morals. Say what you want he's nothing but a great golfer who thinks with his ****. It's amazing just how out of touch these guys really are with real life! Sorry no fan of the Tiger. Wardie
He plays golf, he's not a politician and does not hold a position of public trust, he can lie to us all he wants and is not expected to be accountable to anyone outside of his Wife because he's just and entertainer.

Besides his target audience will see no problem with a little on the side, the rich corporate types have ladies all over the place and have been cheating on wives for decades, this just makes him one of the boys, hell they probably will pull him aside and teach him how to do it better:laugh:

wrong....he is accountable to those that pay him to endorse thier product. he is selling them a clean, respectable, wholesome image. his sponsors are accountable to us, the people that buy the product. if we stop buying the product because we are unhappy with Tiger's choices.....they will fire him.

so yes he is accountable, to us.

most of his fans will not care, but some do. however, you do not advertise to the people that already use your product, you advertise to those that do not use your product....you do not build market share by selling to the same people over and over, you need to bring in new customers....
I just wanna know why he would cheat on such a hottie. Either she must absolutely suck in the sack or he's just an ass! I mean either way he was wrong but at least if she was a lousy lay he could use that as an excuse in his own mind.:rofl:
wrong....he is accountable to those that pay him to endorse thier product. he is selling them a clean, respectable, wholesome image. his sponsors are accountable to us, the people that buy the product. if we stop buying the product because we are unhappy with Tiger's choices.....they will fire him.

so yes he is accountable, to us.

most of his fans will not care, but some do. however, you do not advertise to the people that already use your product, you advertise to those that do not use your product....you do not build market share by selling to the same people over and over, you need to bring in new customers....

Be funny if he started doing condom ads...:lol:
I just wanna know why he would cheat on such a hottie. Either she must absolutely suck in the sack or he's just an ass! I mean either way he was wrong but at least if she was a lousy lay he could use that as an excuse in his own mind.:rofl:

Because people suck. She might even be great. Some people just never have
enough of anything. That's why utopia(s) can NEVER work.
He could have his own brand with like...tiger stripes. :laugh:

"Never leave home with a tiger in your pocket...cause you never know."

You don't think that ad would cheese off the wife do ya? ???
This might be old news but I heard this morning that a blonde was taken from Tigers estate to the ER :spank: :stirpot:
Who knew he was such a pimp?!? I live 30mins away and he is rarely ever seen locally... He did keep it on the dl for a good minute! Hmmm. Anyone hear he was hospitalized last night for an alleged overdose??:rulez:
Yea they said she initially refused services and was shortly taken out on "advanced life support"

Gotta hand it to some... they think infidelity is "victimless" ... Let the unknowing spouse find out and all of a sudden "broken home blues"
Oops I guess I was too quick to call bs... Screw it.. We're in for another dose of media speculation. Drama!
Who knew he was such a pimp?!? I live 30mins away and he is rarely ever seen locally... He did keep it on the dl for a good minute! Hmmm. Anyone hear he was hospitalized last night for an alleged overdose??:rulez:

What?? Wow... One thing after another.