The importance of family unity.


My Facebook status from last night.

A family divided is a family conquered. Let us not take this fact lightly on this holiest of nights. I pray for you all to be blessed with family unity and the strength that comes with it, not only for the holidays, but for a lifetime.

Merry Christmas and may you have a Happy New Year...
I see the family divided as "America"................Any ways it's good that you are Posting again my Friend !!!!

The importance of family support is impossible to it parents, brothers and sisters, or children offer many different traits....without that group of people around you family becomes a group of friends to share the bad times and good. Say hello to a stranger or somebody you don't see eye to eye seems small but it may make their day go a bit better....for holidays sake.
The house divided cannot stand. Unfortunately my house has been divided for quite some time and is about to collapse.

Be thankful for what you have as nothing is permanent! I hope everyone has an exceptional holiday season and a great 2013!