Shim Kit

That's an awesome offer! Very cool GIXERHP!
(Red05 @ Feb. 21 2007,07:09)
(JINKSTER @ Feb. 18 2007,10:23) the instruction "How-To" posting i create will be very thorough and you'll fully understand before ever taking a wrench to your busa.
Those of us that have benefited from Bill's "how to" threads know this will be awesome  
. Also a big THANK YOU to GIXERHP  
Very glad to help!

Yes a "How To" for doing the valve adjustment could save someone a ton of work. We often find that we only need 4 or 5 shims to do a full adjustment on the Hondas. Ends up more of a swaping session than a replacement routine. (I have seen guys bypass measuring the shims and going by the markings... bad news huh?)

Very good of this member to make such a donation... I will send a $10 thank you when my turn comes around
(GIXERHP @ Feb. 20 2007,13:06 )
Heh. is that a Honda part bag soiling the interior of the kit?  
J/K upon closer inspectoin it is indeed a Suxy part bag.

I'd like to get on the list eventually but not right now. Between my friends and I we have three Busas and it'd be nice to do them all at the same time. Probably cant make that happen until fall.
 Thanks for the most excellent effort!  

Edit: bummer my 94 RF900 has a different shim size, it'd be nice to do four in succession. Ah well......

(MrHans @ Jun. 05 2007,06:28)
(GIXERHP @ Feb. 20 2007,13:06 )
Heh. is that a Honda part bag soiling the interior of the kit?  
 J/K upon closer inspectoin it is indeed a Suxy part bag.

I'd like to get on the list eventually but not right now. Between my friends and I we have three Busas and it'd be nice to do them all at the same time. Probably cant make that happen until fall.
 Thanks for the most excellent effort!  

Edit: bummer my 94 RF900 has a different shim size, it'd be nice to do four in succession. Ah well......
Just let me or Jinkster know, when you need it!

HAve you got your instructional vid done yet?

I set my valves on my old bmws, verrrry simple. I set them on my 84 VF1000F and those were a pain. Forked rockers and all. Had to feel both sides at once.
What a panic.
I havent even cracked a manual to do this but I have faith I can do it.
Looks like checking it is far easier than doing it. I believe I will check mine and my friends' prior to putting myslf in line. Shoot, one of my buds has all his plastic off and it's not rideable, we might as well start with his. Kushaw (Lance,) you registered here yet?
I have a suzy 1300r shop man, I guess I'm about to crack it open!
I'm borderline for needing a valve adjustment. But the shop will be doing mine when the time comes.
I might need to get on that list. Whatever become of Jinksters walkthrough?
Rick - If you're thru with the 'Bank', I could sure use it! Since I'll be replacing my head, I'm likely gonna need to re-shim...

Lemme know, Bro!


Sent $$ today - hopefully, I'll have it next week.

PM'd Rick about the Shim Bank - he said that he hopes to finish up this weekend...

Hopefully, I'll get this think fixed yet!
As of now, yes!! Heck, I'd prolly come even if I don't have the Busa!