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Scary S**t this morning!!!

Jonny Hotnuts

May 19, 2004
On the way home from my GF's house this morning I was behind a truck loaded with construction materials. THe traffic was heavy but moving fairly well. In a flash about 6 boxes of ceiling tiles fly off the back of the truck (they are 2'x4'x6''). I was able to avoid the first 3 but there was no getting around the 4th. I rode motocross for years so I knew the only way to survive this was to take it like a small jump. I raised my arse about 6 inches off the seat and slightly bent my arms. I felt the impact on the front wheel and then the bitch seat hitting me in the arse with the rear hit the box.

THe only thing I have to show is a white mark on my front tire where it hit the tiles.

THe only thing I have to say is the s**t happens so fast you won’t see it coming. Today was not my day to die. But really f-ing close.
Phew! If you can't avoid the object, no choice but to go over. Us ex-MXers sometimes find useful applications of those long ago aquired skills

Keep it safe.
THAT is so scary...I would have been down...

So glad you're okay Jonny...certainly a wake up call, in case you were dozing!

That's the kind of sh*t I see when I'm in my car and thinking "damn, glad I wasn't on the bike"...I was following a dump truck one afternoon, almost home...I noticed one of the tires was wobbling, and just about the time I thought "that tire's going", it did...it just snapped right off of the axle, and the entire wheel went rolling back behind the truck right toward my car...I was fortunate that I wasn't following too closely, but it was still scary to see something that big rolling toward you...
haha.. I know exactly what your talking about dude.

who knew all that wreckin' we did in the dirt would save our asses so many times on the pavement eh?
thats how you do what ya got to do to ride another day!!phucking a !good to here somebody make it through some tough spot without crashing.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes you gotta pull out the old skills from the closet! Glad things are okay for both you and the bike! Could have been a very dangerous situation!
In my first year of riding I was riding with a group of 9 bikes in the mountains of Colorado.  I was in front and entered a long, sweeping left-hand corner faster than I should have.  A late 40's or early 50's style pickup truck happened to have misjudged the corner as well, coming from the opposite direction.

Though we both kept our lines and stayed in our respective lanes, his spare tire, mounted on the drivers side between the door and the front part of the bed, on the outside of the truck, apparently saw that our group only had two wheels each.  Since the truck it was mounted on already had four, it must have felt bad for us and decided to jump ship and head on over my way to introduce itself.

I avoided the spare and hit gravel on the shoulder, barely managing to keep the bike up.  The bike behind me (bike #2) didn't and went off the into the rail, and it's rider off the side of the mountain.  He doesn't ride anymore.  Bike #3 rear-ended bike #2, and the rider of bike #3 hit the guard-rail post head-on, literally, but walked away.  The rider of bike #4 hit the brakes hard and dropped his bike.  The rider of bike #5 avoided everything, but the rider of bike #6 ran over the larynx of the #4's rider.  Not only does the rider of #4 ride anymore, he doesn't breathe anymore either.

The truck never stopped.

Just goes to show you can never be too prepared.

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Man...Glad your O.K. and your bike didn't suffer...
damn....glad u and the busa are ok....holy poop i would of went down fast.

Exp. is everything.
Glad everything came out okay. Did you stain the seat or put a little pucker in the center
Seriously those quick incidents send the ole ticker in rapid mode for real. Again glad to hear you're okay and your riding experience came into play.
I had a panic attack, couldn't get anything but the shortest of breaths. The wierd thing was I didn't have it until about two minutes after the event. I learned to ride on street bikes, and I have had very little experience with dirt bikes. The ones I have ridden, I embarrased myself.. totally different world. The funny thing is, like Jonny, the best riders I have seen came from dirtbikes first. It usually doesn't work the other way around.???
Thanks for the thoughts all.

I am trying to put it out of my mind....

The one thing that I learned is that from now on I will have a little more space behind other vehicles.
I'm glad to hear that you made it without any damage.
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