radar detector

Stealth ,that angle looks kind of funky. Shouldnt it be level? Hows it work that way. I can see it working for Busahigg as hes on his rear wheels most of the time but not for ordinary mortals like me !

Yea, the angle is kinda steep. But it has had no impact on performance. My buddy has the same unit, mounted horizontal, mine will pick up a Ka as fast as his. Even with the dark screen, I can pick up Lazer just fine.


Oh, the angle also gets the unit out of line of site to the gauges.
haha, i thought the point to having a radar detector was so you hafta see the gauges anymore?
Or dont hafta! still havent baught one yet, had to buy a new left fairing. But definatly will with next paycheck. Speaking of next paycheck, this bike sure is making me live paycheck to paycheck!! .......But its SOOOOOO WORTH IT!!

Ive had two experiences where I was pulled over and asked that same question(if its harder to get motorcycles on radar)....I got two different answers....First, one cop pulled me over and told me he couldn't "lock in" on me because I went by him to fast, but he knew I was well over the limit so he pulled me over and gave a warning, he said that he was using a ka band radar and that on some occasions he will have trouble reading a speed from a motorcycle, but he also added most of the time he'll get them.(nice cop by the way)
The second time a cop got me by lazer, and he told me he read my original speed from my helmet as I crested over the top of a hill (If he wasn't bullsh-ting me, laser must be pretty dam accurate) This one cost me some cash! anyhow, it seems to make a big diffrence on how good and what type radar equipment each individual cop has.
The lasers are a lot more accurate than the radar guns, whether he really was able to get a reading off of your helmet I doubt. I know with cars they aim for the license plate and they sell license plate covers that are supposed to defuse the infrared beam. Maybe someone will come out with a clear bra type of thing to cover the body work in. Anyone ever thought of incorporating an active infrared jammer into the headlight? Use the headlights reflector to put a wide beam of jamming infrared and no one would ever know the difference. This would seem to be the way to avoid getting hit from the front. Of course you would probably make everyone else's radar detector go completely nuts.
As for radar I had read on one of the reviews for the busa that on top speed runs they could not get a good reading from the front. So they had to get the reading from behind. So i guess just fly by at 180 and hope the guy is too slow to clock you from behind.
I'm a velcro nut, best thing to come from a multibillion $ space program I guess. Notice the busa has a nice flat..well..dash board at the very front. I used velcro sticky back on the bottom of the detector and on the dash. Then used 20 ga wire to get juice from the battery. Works nicely, it is even difficult to see if someone is just looking at the bike. Besides it's free, well except for the velcro. The construction type (big wide and extra strong grip) can be found at your local Wal-Hell in the sewing section of all places. Chris

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Sorry guys, Its my first picture and I used waaayyy to large a file size. I'm on dial-up and it takes forever to load.
Read my post at the top of this subject.............
has links to a couple of comparisons (real world)..........Ks
The Passport 8500 appears to be the "best of the best" in all the tests. But I can't find anywhere online where they are less than $300. Ouch!

Here's how you get the 10% off coupon and free shipping. Go to http://www.dogpile.com and do a search for passport 8500, Cartoys url will popup in the search (should be the first one) Click this link and it should have the discount. If you go directly to their web site you can't get this coupon! You have  to search for it first..............
My officer friends have told me... Radar usually will pickup the largest vehicle... i.e. If you blow by a semi doing 120 and he is doing 55, the radar will pick-up the trucks speed.

Also, the reason most laser detectors don't work well is because (unlike radar) the officers only have to shoot it once, hence the detector goes off, but you are already nabbed. And because lasers go in a straight line, unless you are on the salt flats, you will always loose the signal on a crest or curve.

Radar is going away in MD, because too many people beat it in court (just isn't as reliable as laser).

Finally (whew), they can use ANY reflective surface on your bike to get a reading... One of my buddies was laughing at all of the ricers putting those "laser proof" license covers (they are slightly tinted) on (which happen to be illegal in MD). Because, they don't even target the tag he said... They target the grill, front of the hood, or windshield (since they are bigger).