Question for new busa owners


can someone who has got up close and personal with an 08 please let me know wether the rear indicator 'pods' are part of the tail unit plastic or if they are stuck on each side (which they sorta look like to me)

If they are stuck on then perhaps we will see aftermarket bits that will make some dramatic changes to the styling.



PS this new board is slow as fk ;)

08 is growing on me but I still struggle with the rear.
PS It's going to take time to work out the bugs on the new site BRO, Patience !!!
Relax my friend, this is the first day online with the new design. It will smooth out. I wish I could answer your question, but there are only a couple of members with the new 08, and they dont have one at my local dealer yet.
Saw an 08 in person today. The tail doesn't look so bad in person. Anyhow, to my surprise, the indicator pods appeard to be separately attached.
this is good news indeed, thanks for the answer

now what about the front ones? ;)


sites a lot faster now too, good work
LOL, I didn't look as closely at the front ones. I actually think the bike looks great like it is though...especially in person.
I love modding my busa. When I buy a GenII, the shovel and those dual cans will definitely go. I'll wait until I see aftermarket replacements for the rear indicator pods before I mess with them.
I will take a closer look but on my O&B 08 there seems to be a seperation line with the pods.. wether they come off or not unknown since I have not disassembled the rear end.
The Key for the trunk is really low as well instead of up high next to the hump.. its more hidden.
Good news about the tail.. the whole cheesy license plate holder slash gay reflector deal is bolted on seperately. So the whole fender basically unbolts and comes off. It will be simple to mod the rear because the license plate light can easily be removed from the fender and reused in a custom plate holder.. for states like mine where it has to be illuminated.
I think it (the rear fender assembly) was designed so it could be removed easily for modding or raceing. I have pics just having problems getting them uploaded to my webserver. I will post them soon so you can see.
The rear directionals are in removable "pods". I took a look at mine, and from what I see, you can remove them from the inside of the tail section with no problem.

I'm installing a Scorpio alarm, so when I get into it, I'll post what I find.
Anyone found anything on replacements for the rear blinker pods yet?
Are you looking for styling or better aerodynamics because the wind tunnel testing they did surely cost them more then your home is worth. Aftermarket pods would have to literally make me fall over in excitement before I would start changing that part of the bike. That would be like removing the longitudinal roof indent of the Corvette or Viper.

Anyone found anything on replacements for the rear blinker pods yet?
Are you looking for styling or better aerodynamics because the wind tunnel testing they did surely cost them more then your home is worth. Aftermarket pods would have to literally make me fall over in excitement before I would start changing that part of the bike. That would be like removing the longitudinal roof indent of the Corvette or Viper.
Anyone found anything on replacements for the rear blinker pods yet?
Are you looking for styling or better aerodynamics because the wind tunnel testing they did surely cost them more then your home is worth. Aftermarket pods would have to literally make me fall over in excitement before I would start changing that part of the bike. That would be like removing the longitudinal roof indent of the Corvette or Viper.
Actually if you do some reading and researching you'll find that what they did is work at keeping the new busa as good aerodynamically as the old, while trying to give it a more muscular 60's style custom look designed mostly for the american market. Thats the same theme they used for the gauges. They also claim they wanted it to look alittle more like the "custom' busa's. They claim they did market research with some american dealers and they're customers to try and get customer feedback on what they'd like in a new busa (although I think they bombed in that area
) They wanted to modernize it without losing the "look" that people associate with a busa.
The pods are held in by phillips head screws. The pods are housed in another detachable piece also held by screws and tabs.  Once you get the tail section off these are easily removed. They go back together nicely as well