personalized/vanity plates


purchased vanity plates for the busa just now, guess what was actually available-BUSA, so i just had to buy it. Also got personalized plates for my 07 hemi ram, could not believe 07 HEMI was not taken. I've always wanted personalized plates for the bike and truck, just never thought anything with hemi in it or even busa would be available, wish i would have checked sooner. Only downside, the new ohio plates are pretty hidious looking
:thumbsup: thats groovy luck:thumbsup:

i put RUSS on my chopper. so when anyone asked what bike i was ridin, i could say " the one with my name on it!":laugh:
Kinda partial to mine too.

The plate pre-dates the site. :thumbsup:

If you have to explain the meaning of your plate is it worth having it?

I think that's kinda funny. Some guy is looking it and says to his wife: "What do you think that plate means honey?" She looks back at him and says in that voice only a wife has "Size Matters, honey"


BTW: No, I swear nothing like that ever happened to me.............:whistle:
The other downside is when you're killing the streets speeding through town doing wheelies at 85mph people will remember your plate easier...but then again, we've all grown through that stage, right?
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There's a club (cagers) around here, been all over the news because they all use 1 and I combinations...

ex: 11II11I
I'd never be able to get that in Wisconsin. They have to pass like 15 people actually trying to make bad words/phrases out of them before they approve..
:thumbsup: congrats! personal plates are the icing on the cake.

i agree with the post above about it makes it easy for people to memorize you though. makes you not want to be a total a** on the road all the time.

mine is ADIOS! goes with the turbo i think. :laugh:


WKDPSSA got rejected - I actually got a letter from the Maine RMV that said "the word or any word that sounds like "pissah" is not permitted.