orange and black foam position?


i installed the muzzy aluminum fan today. pretty simple, thanks to you guys for the tips. however, when i took off the left fairing, a piece of black and orange foam fell out. i have no idea how it's position on the left side of the engine. it looks like a slightly twisted rectangle foam. any help would be appreciated.
i will look in the downloaded manual to see if i can find a diagram for it. second question, is it even necessary to have that foam in there or what is the purpose of that foam? because if not, i'll just leave it as it is for now. thanks! .02 is that if it's there, it has to have a purpose. I'd say the foam is there to keep the fairing away from the engine...ya know, the whole heat thing.
It's probably the spacer from the tank. Look on the other side of the bike. Does it look like the one between the tank and the frame?
It's probably the spacer from the tank.  Look on the other side of the bike.  Does it look like the one between the tank and the frame?
no, not the spacer. talked to the wrench today and he said, it's there to absorb the fairing vibrations at higher speeds so i'll put it back on when i open it up again. he also said, position it next to the left side of the engine. my bus is a 99 so some you might not have it on yours. thanks for all the help guys.
I ain't never had nothing fall out of my fairings...
Look at the inside of the fairing to see if the piece of foam was glued to the panel at one time.
I have that piece on my 99 as well, it is not glued in anywhere and I dont remember seeing it in the manual. I think the orange side faces the engine, there should be a little slot in front of the coolant reservoir along the engine case. I put mine back in there.