New posts


Why do I get (Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.} when I click on new posts??????????

i think the org is still having some issues...
I got that a couple times right after all the backend modding. But it hasn't happened since.
Still happening with IE...I really wonder just how badly this is slowing traffic (and therefore, revenue) to the site....
Still happening with IE...I really wonder just how badly this is slowing traffic (and therefore, revenue) to the site....

It hurts my traffic I know that much. I love that button. When it doesn't work, I just move on. :down:

I know it's not Capt's fault. Is there any way we can ditch the org's "operating system?" Seems that none of the other forums I use still use this style. I dunno. Might be too big of a deal, or too much money spent already?
I use IE as well and the "New Posts" button works about half the time.

Windows 8 OS seems to have more difficulty with new posts in the desktop mode.
I use Safari on my MPBr and haven't had any issues since the reboot.

If you think this forum has gotten slow, go look at the majority of motorcycle specific forums out there...They are dead. I was glad to find this one. Even with some issues, it beats the other choices I have found. :beerchug:
We are still working on it guys, please be patient.

I know it's a bug, and eventually you will find it. I'm seeing several other sites same version as the .org that seem to be working w/out issue.

I'm just saying that I suspect it's REALLY Driving down eyeballs/post counts/clicks...
Guy's I am still working on this, it is a huge pain... One little piece of code somewhere in the hundreds of thousands of lines... We do have a test site up and running and we are making progress on it... I have been turning functionality off and on here and you probably noticed some odd things here and there besides the search function, those were probably caused by me... We have a lot of people with their hands in the air about to give up but I do think that we are close...

Hang in there a little but longer....

The Whats New tab works about 50% of the time for me. You can always click the forums tab right next to the whats new tab and click "new posts". Its clicking on 2 buttons instead of 1 but it works 100% of the time for me; I have windows 7 and use Chrome.