My first Busa pics 1 of 6

last one


I almost blew a mouth full of mountain dew all over my keyboard after reading your post.

She already layed the second to bike comment on me in a joking way.

It was her idea for me to get a bike. I had to think about it for a nano second.

As for the curiosity about the the finger it is just that. There were no cars next to the bike when I snapped the pictures.

I had a good scare today. The exit I take to get off the highway is a nice s curve right to left.

I caught it without any cars in front of me and started to salivate. Took it at 70. When I hit it to the left there were about 10 cars almost to the end of the curve.

I broke fairly hard very little back brake and passed the first few cars on the left. Luckily they were all on the right side of the exit ramp to head east.

Otherwise I would have had to straighten up quick and slam the brakes on hard.

I got careless and was lucky. Needless to say I won't be doing that again. At least not during the rush hour home.

Thank you for all the comments. I was worried about the low mileage for a 2000 that something wasn't right. If anything was going to happen it would have by now.

I had it up to 140 my comfort zone for top speed for now and cracked the throttle hard more than a few times getting onto the highway after coming out of the corner.

I have never wheelied with any bike I have owned and don't plan on it. If I do I will get a bike that is aready beet on to practice with. The first wheelie is never perfect.
Just remember wheelies are like planes, take offs are optional, landings are mandatory. There really is no such thing as a 'safe' wheelie. Just be careful and enjoy the ride.