My Corner of the world


Never Forgotten

My little red cabin on the lake...we have called it home for 17 years

No we don't have a drought.  TVA lowers the lake 7 ft. in the winter for flood control.  There is water at my boat dock from April through November.

Scroll South to see my boat dock...scroll north to see the edge of my property.

My little red cabin on the lake...we have called it home for 17 years

No we don't have a drought.  TVA lowers the lake 7 ft. in the winter for flood control.  There is water at my boat dock from April through November.

Scroll South to see my boat dock...scroll north to see the edge of my property.
It looks like the link was a little long for .org to capture all of it. The garage past the pine trees across the road is mine. Continue north from there to the pine tree in the center of the page and that is where my property ends

pretty cool and one of the more clear ones I have seen.. Kind of dated tho. Went to my old shop and the parking lot was bad looking.. I had it refinished 2 years ago.. But my 69 Chevy truck is in it lol.. I miss that truck..
Very Nice, Bummer about the lake though. Ballsy posting up your exact location in a world full of nutters.
The lake is is there during the season and when it is down I can do maintenance on my boat dock and sea wall.

I know I lot of people are paranoid about Google and Microsoft's aerial shots, but I am more concerned about traffic light and speeding cameras