Motorcycle Chase

That couldn't be a Busa cause none of us would do something that stupid. I'd like to think anyways!
ok, so I know Im gona get flamed for this but I was rooting for the guy.

The only thing, I was hoping that 1) it wasnt his bike 2) he would have been smart enough to at least stop in the garage and the walk out from there, not walk into a store that has cameras all over the place to follow him with.

I know, Im a bad for rooting him but what can I say, he was riding really well, was missing everything on the road and totally left the police. I have to give a little bit of respect for that.

Now for the part of me that people know, BAD BAD BAD!!! you never run from the police! what was he thinking?!?! He could have killed someone.

"This is an A-Star, sir, not an Apache."

In college, I saw a guy dump it in a parking lot doing about 80 running from the police. He wasn't moving much when they caught up to him.