MotoGP-2 Online...

Okay...just giving you a hard time.

Getting a new PC next week. Details to follow later.
Need some advice, from the MotoGP2 players.

My new PC has a Flat Panel LCD screen, and I'm having problems getting the brightness/contrast adjusted to where it does not look whiteish/grey.

I've been trying to adjust it, but cannot seem to find the right combination. The red on my bike is almost looking pink...

If any of you are running an LCD flat panel, please let me know what setting you have, or if you've had the same problem.

funny. I had that same problem on my laptop last monday! I can't think of a fix other than tweaking the brightness & contrast. see if your video card has a "Color corrector program" you can download. it sets windows - and also anything played on it - with correct colors accourding to your monitor and YOUR eyes. Come to think of it, I think you ATI driver has a settings area for you to fix this problem. Now you just gotta find some accurate color bars pix on the web to set it up with. Have to do you own search, I'm too lazy this morning.

The color bars look fine to me. They're all pretty much dead on. Must have gotten it set pretty close.

Are we racing on-line tonight? I'll join in, but after last week, I don't think I'll try to host.

I've hosted through GameSpy with no problems, but I haven't figured out how to do the IP address so it goes around/through the router for a direct connect.
I can't race tonight. Gotta play catchup for my week lost in DC!!! I hate work traveling!!! grumble grumble
maybe later this week we can hook up some laps.
For others watching, download GAMESPY ARCADE. There's always some players on there to race online... maybe you'll find strk00 there!
I'll host through Gamespy Arcade. Direct connection doesn't work for me due to the router I use.

Look for <span style='color:red'>stkr01</span>.

I'll host while waiting for others until 8:45 or 9:00, and then I'll just join one of the other rooms with the lowest ping times.

Hope to see you there.
stkr00, (aha erlebenis) now I know why your name sounded familiar. It was you, wasnt it, that was online yesterday (tuesday, on TL Bull's server) in the 100% SIM races.

BTW if not, ignore me

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Yep, that was me.

I usually race somewhere on there just about every day. It's wintertime here with snow and 2 degrees F, so this is the only riding I get.

Names you might see on GameSpy:

I just need to rename the 01 to 00(NSR)
Well, I guess the interest in MotoGP2 was short-lived.

I'll be playing tonight in one of the rooms with the lowest ping times. I'll look to see if anyone is hosting in GameSpy.

If you see "stkr01" in the room, then that's me. Hope to see some of you there.
BTW...I had to go all the way to page 3 to find this thread again. I am disappointed. It must have warmed up enough for people to ride on their real bikes.
Unfortunately, my Fencing class is on Monday nights at 8pm
Maybe we can do some laps this weekend?
I'm at work right now...17 hours worth, so I'll check in later.

1127-1299: It's an addicting game. TRUST ME

I posted my lap times on, and I was surprised that I was actually ranked #156. Not way up there, but at least I made it in the rankings.
dang! who dug THIS one up?? And where IS strk00 lately anyway?
I only have the PC version and play the demo more than anyuthing. I'm "XBOX challenged"