Marine shot in Craigslist robbery here in SoFla.

You'd think a Marine LTC would be smarter than this. As much as you'd like to make those robbers eat sand, he LEFT HIS KIDS IN THE CAR...

Glad he's alive. To make it thru Iraq AND AFG alive, to come home to this...
Keith its strange. I don't know what Tn is like but here on every corner is a guy waving a sign that says 'we buy gold'? He could have walked in and gotten within 1% of spot price ANYWHERE?
Why sell it on Craigslist? Obv he thought he was getting more than it was worth.
You'd think a Marine LTC would be smarter than this. As much as you'd like to make those robbers eat sand, he LEFT HIS KIDS IN THE CAR...

Glad he's alive. To make it thru Iraq AND AFG alive, to come home to this...

Reservist maybe? :laugh:
im not sure I would use the word "Luck" and getting shot in the same sentence but fortunate to be alive I guess.

I have seen those Craigs list robberys happen often. we had one take place over the summer where I work where a couple animals placed an add to sell a quad for like $500. the buyer showed up with his truck and $500 and they shot him and robbed him of his $500. he later died.
Gonna have to put a sniper out before you meet jeez....
Always bring a friend for stuff like that, and a gun if ya got one. Better safe than sorry.

And Divr
"Well officer, the man pulled a gun so he was shot"
Sir, He was shot in the chest with a large caliber round"
"I know, Jeffs a damn good shot from a roof"
when i bought my busa, i was walking around with 7500 dollars in cash. you bet your ass i was carrying, so was my buddy josh.
When I bought mine, I got the owner to drive me to the bank so that I could withdraw the cash there and do the paperwork all in one place.
My dumbass little brother's friend just got caught robbing people this same way. Not shooting at them, but robbing them at gunpoint. I wish there were 10-20 officers once a month trolling CL and meeting with people that have unreasonable buying or selling prices. Then lock them up for attempted robbery and attempted murder when they find out they were going to be robbed. Personally I'd feel quite comfortable shooting any of these bastards. Little brother's friend or otherwise.
Why are smart men like this so stupid?

I deal about once a month on Craigslist, and I ALWAYS meet at a bank, or inside a grocery store. It doesn't matter if its a 20 dollar item or a TV. I don't care. It's for the safety of both parties.
My dumbass little brother's friend just got caught robbing people this same way. Not shooting at them, but robbing them at gunpoint. I wish there were 10-20 officers once a month trolling CL and meeting with people that have unreasonable buying or selling prices. Then lock them up for attempted robbery and attempted murder when they find out they were going to be robbed. Personally I'd feel quite comfortable shooting any of these bastards. Little brother's friend or otherwise.

Your little brother needs to make better choices in friends, or eventually he's going to be an accessory.....
:laugh: 20? That's it? What is that, air force or army pt? :laugh:

Russell, that was just enough to make sure you kept proper form....didn't want to make it too hard...Don't make me tell my Marine joke...:watching: