O.K. guys and gals,
I've been holding back for a while now before I started posting any pictures. I kinda wanted to make a GRAND entrance. No 'before' and 'after' pics, or anything like that. Anyway, I've been working on customizing my Busa for the past few months (i.e. chrome, seat covers, the whole 9). Anywho. A little ailment has kept me out of commission from any time to put my bike back together. As luck has it, I brought my chromed wheels and swingarm to the Suzuki shop on Thursday to have bearings replaced, chain pressed, and tires remounted and balanced. To make a long story short, I received a call from the mechanic at the shop and he goes on to tell me that he can't put the bearings back in because there is chrome inside the wheel. I proceed to ask him all sorts of questions. I call Jonathan Reed at Sport Chrome to get some advice. He promises that there is no chrome in the center of the wheel. I know that when I got my wheels, there didn't seem to be anything inside that wheel when I got it. I inspected it thoroughly. Out of the dozens of guys that I know that ride bikes here and have had there wheels chromed, I've only run across one guy who had this problem. He's a life member to motorcycles and happens to be my co-worker. He told me that the simple fix would be just to ligthly sand the inside with some fine grit sandpaper. I'm really not griping because Jonathan Reed at Sport Chrome does some beautiful work. I guarantee that I have probably the best looking set of wheels in the city. When my co-worker saw the swingarm, he was in total awe. Now, he wants his swingarm chrome by Sport Chrome also. I realize that I am starting to ramble, but I was really writing all this just to ask if anyone has ever run into this little problem? And how/if did they fix it? Just curious.
Anyway, my co-worker, Sam went pick up my wheels from the shop last night and brought them to work today. We have a machine shop and he's going to fix this for me. I'm trying to smile you guys, but it's kinda hard right now. Any and all input will be graciously appreciated.
I've been holding back for a while now before I started posting any pictures. I kinda wanted to make a GRAND entrance. No 'before' and 'after' pics, or anything like that. Anyway, I've been working on customizing my Busa for the past few months (i.e. chrome, seat covers, the whole 9). Anywho. A little ailment has kept me out of commission from any time to put my bike back together. As luck has it, I brought my chromed wheels and swingarm to the Suzuki shop on Thursday to have bearings replaced, chain pressed, and tires remounted and balanced. To make a long story short, I received a call from the mechanic at the shop and he goes on to tell me that he can't put the bearings back in because there is chrome inside the wheel. I proceed to ask him all sorts of questions. I call Jonathan Reed at Sport Chrome to get some advice. He promises that there is no chrome in the center of the wheel. I know that when I got my wheels, there didn't seem to be anything inside that wheel when I got it. I inspected it thoroughly. Out of the dozens of guys that I know that ride bikes here and have had there wheels chromed, I've only run across one guy who had this problem. He's a life member to motorcycles and happens to be my co-worker. He told me that the simple fix would be just to ligthly sand the inside with some fine grit sandpaper. I'm really not griping because Jonathan Reed at Sport Chrome does some beautiful work. I guarantee that I have probably the best looking set of wheels in the city. When my co-worker saw the swingarm, he was in total awe. Now, he wants his swingarm chrome by Sport Chrome also. I realize that I am starting to ramble, but I was really writing all this just to ask if anyone has ever run into this little problem? And how/if did they fix it? Just curious.
Anyway, my co-worker, Sam went pick up my wheels from the shop last night and brought them to work today. We have a machine shop and he's going to fix this for me. I'm trying to smile you guys, but it's kinda hard right now. Any and all input will be graciously appreciated.