Long Term Parking


I am deploying about mid Oct to somewhere hot that will suck. I was wondering what do to do with my baby while I am gone. Can I just leave it here in the garage just sitting there.
Do I need to do anything special to it?
I think I can teach my wife how to go out and start it occasionally, she thinks I can teach her how to ride it but that one is not happening.

Any suggestions?!?!?!?!?!?
put it up on some stands/jacks. dont leave your bike sitting in one spot too long or the tires could flat spot.
Do you know how long you will be deployed?

Run the fuel out or put in some stabilzer.

Remove the battery and put it on a trickle charger or just buy a new one when you return.

......or better yet let someone you really trust come over once a month and take it around the block.
+1 on the stands and throw some fuel stabilizer in the tank and possibly a battery tender if it will be started from time to time.
I'll pm you my address asap so you won't have to worry about what to do with your busa. I promise I won't ride the piss outta your Busa,seriously. Instead of charging  you storage fees, I'll only accept a mthly cash fee of fifty dollars for gas and misuse handling
(BlueHaya @ Sep. 26 2007,19:12) Do you know how long you will be deployed?

......or better yet let someone you really trust come over once a month and take it around the block.
I will be deployed about 6 months.

So having it driven once a month or so could solve my problems. I have a guy that can come by and do this for me.

Where do I get a good set of stands? I think I need some reguardless.
I rotate between three riders and sometimes will skip one and take another. It can be 4-6 weeks between rides and as long as I really ride it, at least enough to get rid of a full tank of gas, I've never had a problem. I will occasionally hook up a tender to one of the batteries (not sealed or gel etc) but the other two never need it. BTW, two of my bikes have six carbs each so I don't take any chances of having gummed up carbs. If its really going to be ridden monthly, you won't need any fuel stabilizer, just a tank of good fresh gas.
Simple I do it all the time.
1) Put it on stands
2) Fill up the Gas Tank and put Stabilizer in it
3) After you put it on the stands, run the engine
   Does two things
   1) Put's stabilizer in the lines and injectors
   2) Warms the exhaust so you can
4) Put shop towels in the pipes so moisture can't collect:::
   That's why you warm the pipes FIRST
5) Put a Battery Tender on in the trickle charging mode


For 6 months nothing else is needed  
For stands check out board sponsor redline stands on home page. Stands are a must for a busa owner. Makes chain maint., oil change, and cleaning much easier.