I see your point, Canuck Busa. LAbusas is probably not about being kids or remaining kids, it's more about being intentionally immature.

It's something you'll never understand in an empathetic way...only in a contemptuous way.

Yes, we are the rabble rousers of the riding world. And the show offs. But it's the citizens who crash on bikes, not the heavily committed riders like us. It's the newbies and the RUBS and the "stylers."

Personally, I can't understand many of the straight people I meet on fast bikes. They've got 2" of shiney rubber on each side of both tires, and they're wearing knee pucks.

They would (make that could) NEVER ride with the likes of me and most of my friends on LAbusas.

To me, all the straights who are running around on beautiful high performance bikes and WASTING them are to be held in contempt on the street while riding...even though they are often fine people in person.

It is a crime against machinery to own a bike like a Busa and not use it.

LAbusas is NOT about porn. It's about hard core riders and full-spectrum cameraderie.

This site is about oil changes and tire pressures.

KIRK: I thought you had potential, but you've made yourself an irrelevancy.
Wouldn't a Hayabusa be a "waste", on a "mature" adult? I'd think that some kind of cruiser would be better suited for those with a more "mature" outlook on life. Hell, what do I know. I'm just a stupid ole 12R owner! Oh yeah... do you REALLY have a clue on what "drugs" lead to? I doubt it.

[This message has been edited by redelk (edited 29 July 2000).]
Who let you out of your cage? Get your a$$ back to work and finish that track school documentary! (the sound of a cracking whip in the background) ;)
okay, to begin with, we are a group of open-minded individuals who just happen to love to ride the best to the extreme. havent you ever done something that was stupid? that after you changed your underwear and thought about it, you said " why the f*ck did i do that?" well, we're the ones who say " that was kick a$$, when can we do it again?"

and we are not a porn site. i cant even believe that you BIG HAYABUSA MEN cant stand a little T&A. geez, worse than a bunch of school girls.

bottom line: were nuts. youre lame. deal with it.
Hmmm, lots of things to comment on here. But the weather is exceptional and I need to get outdoors. A few comments though...

- I don't have alot of contempt for other bikers, even if they aren't the most gifted. The point is they enjoy a similar hobby. (OK, I am somewhat biased against cruiser riders, because their bikes are heavy, slow, poor handling and poor braking.)
- Unpredictable things happen on the street, which can easily negate the skills of the most talented rider. Happens all the time. Nobody is bulletproof - regardless of skill level. Ride the Busa to its limits on every ride and you may very well be shortening your life.
- How much of your life should you invest in a bike? Less than most of us do.
- 2" of untouched rubber. Yeah, that IS a waste. I have a feeling I waste more tire than you. But wasting a tire is much worse than wasting a motor.
- Do mature people buy Hayabusa? That's a good question redelk. I need to think on that. But I will say that a GSXR1000 is an eminently practical choice.

But I digress from the previous discussion.
come on, .org guys....unbutton that top button on your shirt...relax....let things are WAY too stuffy.... :)
haven't you ever heard the saying: "if you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space"?...well, that's how Labusas members like to live....uninhibited and roudy...try it just might find it very can feel SOOO incredibly good to be able to tell someone like Kirk to go F**K HIMSELF!... :D
Total posts at .ORG. 63,329.

Total posts at LAbusas, 63,412.

Not only have we beaten you, we have ground your faces into the dirt until you've wished you'd never been born.

This is the victory of squidism over boulevard cruising, smut over censorship, criminality over citizenship, quantity over quality and nitromethane over Pep Boys diesel fuel discount coupons.

We have achieved this in less than 1/3 of the time it took .ORG to become the juggernaut it I mean was. And we have done it with 800 members to your 1,300.

We are truly a howling pack of rabid blabbermouth motorcycle bums!

How sweet it is!
Hey DP--not fair! LaBusa is a porno site with occasional discussion about motorcycles (which is not bad mind you, sex and motorcycles always go together). Subtract the porno, entertaining beating the crap out of some guy namede BigBusa, and a cop with BS stories he makes up for penthouse and we're left 69 posts.

However, please keep up the good work over there!
Sex/porn will get you anything, Ask the President of the US. Ride safe LaBusa's and members and all the motorcyclist out there including bikers!!!!
Did you ever notice that those seeking legitimacy need to prove themselves.It seems that there is a need expound on their capabilities(in general terms of course).If that does not work,harassment is the second course of action to obtain the attention(recognition)that is needed by psyche of such individuals.The "look at me Mommy/Daddy"type of behavior is not an "intentional refusal" to "grow up" or mature.It is a character DEFECT.Caused by low self esteem,fear of failure(perceived or actual),and insecurity.
WHO needs to get a grip and loosen up?
Someone should start a group therapy session for some of the Labusas members to help them deal with the many "ISSUES" that they face.
I'm not judging ,it's just an observation from a guy that works on power systems and has had a few "shock therapy" sessions of his own. :)
Mambo...we'll always come crawling back from time to time. For the guys and women at LAbusas, .ORG is kinda like "your parents' house."

Most of us were raised in this house.

Sometimes, we come back to visit. But we know we have to be on our best behavior while we're here. :)

For those of your new members who don't know what LAbusas is; it's a Busa-centered, but not exclusively Busa, site that was created by and for some early members of .ORG who just wanna have more fun than you're allowed to have here.

AND we can post pictures, which makes our lives and bikes all the more real for each other.

We're loud, rude, illegal, fast, sex-obsessed racers and riders of big bore bikes who welcome your visits any time you wish.

Wear a black rose in your lapel so we know it's you.

Leave the thorns on the stem.
No offense DP, but I find it ironic when people do dumb things and then brag about it. You know, roll in the mud and then say "Look at me!"

Why is it that some people (presumably once they figure they have 'grown up' and become 'mature adults') decide to participate in vulgar/crude behavior which is downright embarrassing to those around them.

Here is a suggestion, pick some kid (your kid, someone else's kid) and try to explain the merits of LABusas to them. I suspect you will get a quizzical response, meaning that they don't get why adults act in such a foolish manner. Would you want somebody's kid to participate in LABusas? I doubt it. If so, then why not?

Could it be that kid's morals are actually better than adults in many cases? Could it be that 'adults' often just think they are smarter than kids but in fact have just spent a sizable chunk of their lives rationalizing the dumb things that they do? Could be...

But, of course, we should all be tolerant of one another, and accept everything, throwing logic and common sense out the window, for we have, in the words of Allan Bloom, become so 'open minded' that in fact our minds have closed and we have lost the mental tools to get a grip on life.

I don't think I'll get too far arguing with a die-hard LABusas member, as I am trying to reason with the unreasonable. Nevertheless, there are plenty of mature people on this website who know what I'm talking about.
CanuckBusa you're 100% right. You people are mature and we at LAbusas are not.

Can you understand why we might not want to "mature?"

My Mom named be after Peter Pan. Peter Pan's song is "I won't grow up, I won't grow up, I don't wanna go to school, I don't wanna got to school, I will be a kid forever!......"

I'm 53 years in September, and I feel sorry for anyone who allows themselves to grow up.
DP, I think you are missing the distinction I am trying to make. I think being a kid at heart is cool. We adults can learn many things from kids - joy of life, openness to awe and wonder, active imagination, sense of humor, sponteneity, joy in adventure, inquisitiveness etc. etc.

But, to pick on just one LABusa's thing (I could choose from many other things) I don't associate a 'love' of porn with the noble attributes of being a kid. It is not an extension of the 'noble attributes'. It is not an improvement, evolution, or any of those things. I won't even say it is a corruption of those things. It is perhaps just another thing entirely. Neither childlike/young at heart, nor adult maturity.

You say, you don't want to grow up. I can agree with that, in a way. But LABusa's behaviour isn't childlike, young at heart, behavior. And it isn't mature adult behavior. I submit that it is inferior to both, something 'other'. Yeah, maybe it genuinely 'feels good' (to some people), but so does doing drugs, and we know where that leads in the long run.