Is it worth it to paint my bike at 72,000 K ?


Rainbow of Skittles
My 2002 has scuffs and scratches on it, 72,000 k on it and kinda looks it. I was thinking of painting it white, but is it worth it for a bike with 72,00 k on it? It is getting engine work done on it right now, valves are being machined, generally a new top end.

It's blue/black right now,thoughts,pple?

( As an aside I just turned over 110,000 k on my 2000 CBR today)
I don't see what the mileage has to do with whether or not to paint it. You're refreshing the engine.. might as well freshen up the paint.
I don't see why not. If it's in good mechanical condition and you plan on keeping it around for a while, I'd say go for it. But bring back pics :thumbsup:
i'm hoping mine is just getting broken in at 72,000 as she is going to need to last a lot longer than that :laugh: i wouldn't hesitate to freshen the paint if she is still running well :beerchug:
gone this far might as well go teh whole way and see how many miles you can get on it - fresh paint will feel like a fresh bike and fresh motor bonus :)
Guys hes talking Kilometers....:poke:

72,000 kilometers is only a bit under 45,000 miles and many here have that and are still running strong. Look at Sleepless-Reds bike.

Paint that thing it still has another half life left in her ..
I'm not at 20k miles yet and thinking of redoing mine, so I say go right ahead!
From one high-mileage 'ho' to another...absolutely!

I will always strive to keep my prized possessions from appearing thread-bare, weathered, or ill-regarded.

I say: go for it!

Do a before/after thread and show off someone's talent!
Paint it and keep the black and blue.I love that color thats why i bought one.It was mint with 10k on it.Almost done with it.
+1 to painting it.
Seems like you like your bike enough to keep it in good running order, may as well keep it looking good also.